Another Landmark

20 3 0

Trip is over
In my dive log
Another landmark
Was pressed into the pages
Of my celebration

20 years of diving
52 is the number
'Tis a bit overwhelming
Knowing I was able
To reach them both

Setbacks, I'd be surprised if
There weren't any
But it was important
An achievement that made clear

I was on a boat full of seasoned divers
Many of whom have the luxury
To these trips often
Not just once in a while
When finances and schedules permit

None of it mattered
Because my achievements
Are always my own
Already doing so much
After going through so much

My scuba goals
Ultimately are to become
A wreck diver with advanced depth
Maybe add nitrox to the mix
Want to finally feel
Comfortable doing a night dive

Everything above
Will be done with my dive master
Through PADI
Soon, very soon
Here's to another 50 dives
In less than 20 years!

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