8 Years

28 0 0

August 1st, 2023
8 years
Made it
Though not the way I had thought
It would be

Everything messed up
But I'm still walking
And things are moving slowly towards
Something on hold for too long

But can I do it?
Given what's been happening
Am I strong enough?
I'm turning 40 this year
Feel like the last 3 years have been wasted
Yet without health
What can you do?

But I made it to number 8
So that's an achievement right?
Remission from ME
The nightmare that never lets up
And screws with everything else

I can't and won't give it the satisfaction though
Why should I?
As annoying and frustrating as it is
As it takes day after day
It doesn't own my soul

That's something I have to remember
As I move forward
However that'll look
Passed 8, towards 9, 10, and onwards.

My Warrior Path (Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now