Chapter 9- Don't Wake Up Late, And This Is Why

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Elsa's POV

I roll out of bed at 10:30 the day Hiccup was going to come.

Five minutes later I have not moved and Anna is knocking on my door.

"Come in!" I yell.

She comes in and laughs.

"Hi Elsa."

"Hi Anna, would you please help me not look like I just rolled out of bed by 2:00?"

She laughs again. "Woah, woah, slow down! Okay, you should brush your hair..."

"Great." I said sarcastically.

My hair looks like Anna's when we wake up in the mornings.

30 minutes later

"Elsa, are you going to get dressed today?"

"Wasn't planing on it," I joke.

"Well, what are you going to wear?"

I had already figured that out. I had my dark blue dress draped over my chair.

One hour later

"Elsa, you should eat lunch now."

"I know I should eat lunch, Anna. I'm not 3."

"Sorry, sorry!"

30 minutes later

What I have To Do Today

Right now- write this

1:00 shower

1:15 dry my hair

1:30 do my hair

2:00 panic

2:10 do something with ice

2:15 text Olaf


So I'm going to take my shower.


done. Now I'm going to dry my hair.


done. Now I need to get anna.

"Anna!" I yell.

Anna comes in, already equipped with a hairbrush, some hairspray, an axe, and a carrott.

Just kidding. No axe. Just the carrot and the hairbrush and the hairspray.


It's funny how if you put "Panic" on a schedule, you end up

PANICING!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! I'm so excited! But what if I mess up? What if I trip and fall epically in an Anna-like way? What if I stutter? What if my voice cracks? What if I break my arm? What if he decides he doesn't like me? What if I die of a heart attack? What if I freeze him? What if Toothless dies? What if his sister dies? WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF?????


Okay, I just decided to make ice steps onto my bed.

Who knows why?


Elsa: "Hi Olaf."

Olaf: "hi I'm olaf and i like warm hugs!!! <3"

Elsa "Olaf what if u had a snowman friend or 2"

Olaf: "Really?????"

Elsa: "Really. Meet u downstairs in 17 seconds."

17 seconds later

"Okay, Olaf, here's a few friends!"

I create a guy and  a girl and give them carrott noses.

"I'm Liz!" says the girl snowman

"I'm Steven!" says the boy snowman.

"I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!" screams Olaf.


Hiccup's POV

What if I'm late? What if I'm early? What if she's sick? What if someone dies? What if I do something stupid?


Merida's POV

Okay, I bet Hiccup and Elsa are both worrying right now! It woukd be SOOOOO much fun to watch this!

2:27 PM

Steven's POV

"Olaf, Liz, wanna play tag?"

2:27 1/2

Elsa's POV

Maybe I should STOP WORRYING and just see what happens!


Elsa's POV

OMG HE'S ALMOST HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hiccup's POV

Stay calm. I am not right here, I am not right here, I am not-

I have to ring the doorbell!


Elsa's POV

The doorbell rings.

Kai gets it.

"She's in the throne room," he says.

I stand up.

"Hi Hiccup!"

"Hi Elsa!"

He gives me a hug and asks, "How was your week?"

"Crazy, but fine."

"Same. Can you imagine coming home to a cute 2 day old sitting in her mom's lap in the kitchen?"

"Not really. My mom didn't tell me about Anna for the longest time, but I knew she was going to be born. How's Agatha?"

"She's fine. She just mastered the rattle."

I laugh.

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