Chapter 3-How To Make Someone Shut Up

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Merida's POV

I watch Elsa as she writes in her diary. It's lunchtime and I don't think she has anything to eat. I want to go up to her, but she looks pretty animated (in a good way). I don't know if interupting her is the best idea.

I sneak up behind her and read the first sentence:

"New Novel: 

Last night we were playing Truth Or Dare."

Obviously NOT a fiction novel, eh, Elsa?

Hiccup's POV

Elsa's right there, why can't I go up to her? I think.

She's just writing!

I watch as Merida sneaks up behind her and reads what she's writing. She covers her mouth in an attempt not to laugh.

Then she sees me.

Her curly red hair blows behind her while she runs. She doesn't notice.

"Hi, Hiccup."

"Hi..." I say.

"You did do your dare, right?"

"Ask Elsa." I blush a little. Seriously, Merida?

Elsa's POV

I watch out the corner of my eye as Merida asks Hiccup something. He blushes.

Hiccup's POV

"Go up to her. Say 'Hi'," Merida urges me.

"No!" I say automatically.



She shoves me foward but I don't move.

"Come on, Hiccup. You have to talk to her at some point or another!"

"How about another?"

"Oh, fine." 

She stalks off.

Elsa's POV

Merida walks up to me.

"Hi, Elsa."


"I trust you did do your dare, because of the lyrics video to 'Happy' you sent me." says Merida.

I see Hiccup stifle a laugh.

I glare at Merida and send a little sphere of ice right past her ear.

"Why don't you go over and talk to him? You'll have too sooner or later."

"I choose later."

"Funny- that's what he said. Come on, Elsa!"


"Come on!"

"No! I don't want to!"

That was a lie. I actually do want to, but I'm WAY too shy to actually do it.

"Yes you do. You're just to shy."

"You can't make me."

Merida whispers in my ear, "You kissed him. How hard could it be to just say hi?"

I turn bright red.

"Very hard, Merida."

"If you don't go up there, I will tell everyone about that dare tonight at truth or dare."

"You foul, back-stabbing, double crossing, little jerk!"

"I will do it."

"I won't let you get away with it!"

"Just say 'Hi', Elsa!"


I shake my head and my long hair comes out of its ponytail.

I decide to leave it down.

"Go. Say. Hi."


"I'm getting Anna."

She already knows about part of the dare, but I don't say so. I've learned my lesson.

"Anna!" she calls.

Anna comes over.


"Don't listen to anything she says, because it's all lies," I say, trying to remain calm.

Anna's eyes dart around and finally she says to Merida: "I don't believe her."

"Don't." Merida advises.

"She's lying," I say.

Hiccup's POV

I know what Merida is going to tell Anna and I don't want Anna to hear it.

I finally decide to stop her.

Elsa's POV

Merida opens her mouth but then...

"Maybe I won't tell you," she says, looking over my shoulder.

Hiccup's coming!

I review my choices. 

A) Hide under the picnic table.

B) Say something to him.

C) Wait

D) Cry

E) Run away.

I decide on C.

"Merida, I know what you're up to,"  says Hiccup.

"I'm up to something?" asks Merida innocently.

"Did she tell Anna anything?" Hiccup asks me.

I don't let the elephants in my stomach stop me.

"No. Well, not yet."

It's okay, Elsa. He doesn't bite or anything. It's not like he's a homicidal murderer.

Slowly, the elephants in my stomach turn into dogs.

Hiccup cups his hands around my ear so he can ask something.

"Do you know anything you can threaten her with?" he whispers. His breath is warm against my ear.

I shake my head.

"Not unless we have truth or dare today..."

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