Chapter 5 - What Happens When You Fall In Love

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  • İtfaf edildi Every unattainable boy I've loved; ever.

Elsa's POV

"Hey, Elsa."


"So... I was just wondering... are you moving here or just visiting?"

"Just visiting," I say sadly. I'll have to leave Hiccup here. I can't believe it. This is what happens when I let myself fall in love. I have to leave.

"Maybe I could put Anna in charge of Arendale and move here. Proabaly not."

"Maybe I could put Snotlout in charge of the Hooligans. Probably not," he replies.

"When will you have to go?" He asks.

"Like, a week or 2 weeks," I say.

I feel a tear form in my eye. I wipe it away.

No. I will NOT cry. No way.  Just because I love him and I will have to leave him doesn't mean I will cry.

I can't listen to myself. I duck my head slightly so my hair falls in fromt of my face.

"It's odd. We both feel free but we're not. We're both tied down."

We are. We're both firtborn, both have royal blood. Both of us have a duty to fullfill in our country. And we can't leave because of it. If we were commoners this would be easy. But we're not; we're royalty; and we have to stay where we belong.

Elsa, nobody said it would be easy. This is diffucult, but it's real. Get a grip and figure out what to do.

Elsa, don't be too hard on yourself.

It started with Truth Or Dare. But will it end with you riding away on your horse?

"I- Will I ever see you again?" I ask. My voice is trembling. I try not to let myself cry.

"I don't know. I guess I could try to visit you down in Arendale..." he says.

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

Finally I look up and my eyes meet his.

He kisses me.

Hiccup's POV

I guess I love her. I don't know how I could ever actually... I don't know. It's just too confusing.

Elsa's POV

I'm going to try to tell him I love him. before I have to leave.

"Hiccup, I may never see you again for a long time. So I guess... I just want to tell you... I... I love you."

"I love you too," he says quietly.

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