Chapter 2- Truth Or Dare

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  • Dedicated to Sophie. You taught me truth or dare.

(At the party are: Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Merida, Hiccup, Flynn, Kristoff, and Hans.)

(This is a Hiccelsa story. If you don't know what that means, oh well, keep reading or google it. and then keep reading.)

"Let's play Truth Or Dare." says Hiccup.

"Oh Hiccup, why'd you have to suggest that?" I ask as everyone else cheers.

"Because if I didn't, someone else would."

"Good point." I say.

Soon we're in a circle and it's Rapunzel's turn.

"Anna, truth or dare?"

"Truth," she says.

"Okay...Is it true that you stole chocolate before your sister's coronation?"

"Yes..." sighs Anna.

"Elsa, truth or Dare?"


Anna stares at the ceiling for a minute or two before finally blurting:

"Were you or were you not singing let-"

"NO I WASN'T!" I laugh quietly.  "Sorry, that question always gets on my nerves. Merida-"


"Oooooookay.  Um... I dare you to... chicken on this dare."

"But why?"

"Then you have less chickens, duh."

"Oh, okay, so there was a reason for that. Um, Hiccup, truth or dare."


She whispered something in his ear and his face turned pale. Then, bright red.

"Can I, like, NOT answer that question."


"Um, can I just whisper the answer to you?"


He whispered soemthing back and Merida's eyebrows shot up gleefully. I was starting to wonder what she asked.

"Hans... truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go up to the person in this room who hates you the most and give them a hug."

Anna jumps up and sprints out of the room.

"Oh Anna!" sings Merida.


"Can I just chicken on this one?" sighs Hans. "It might take a while if you don't."

"Oh, fine."

"Okay... Elsa, truth or dare?"

"I'm gonna go with truth."

"Okay, I can work with that."

He thought for a minute, then whispered, "Do you have a crush on Hiccup?"

What exactly does he know? I think. And do I? I mean, we just met... he is kinda cute... well, okay, really cute... but we just met! I can't have a crush on someone I JUST MET! Or can I? I don't know. What do I say?

"No. Not yet anyways," I replied out loud.

"What was the question?" Anna whispered to me.

"I can't tell you."


"Elsa, truth or dare?" asks Merida


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