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Spring is often used to symbolize revival. Natures rebirth. Life's restart point.

Freshness, newness, breath.

For most people it is.

For Della Carper - it wasn't. It was just another season at the start of just another month, in the middle of just another year in the same place. Which is the only place on the planet that she didn't want to be.

Her Uncle Abel's house - not home, this place doesn't deserve such a precious title - house. Just a house. Just where she sleeps, eats, and suffers. Another place no more personal than the nearest gas station or hospital.


Her, Able, and a few maids that did the occasional dusting or - entertaining in her uncle's bedroom, lived here.

This is all she ever wakes up in. Ever since that horrific day when she came home from school after an exciting day full of good grades, first crush kisses, and a future party to attend.

Only to find blood, gore, and death spattered all over her mother's favorite blue throw pillows and rug and the white couches that would never be the same again, it was a mercy to burn them.

That was the day she died technically.

And now - it's been six years since, and she's still waiting to be revived.

Spring sure as hell isn't doing that.

But she wakes up. Every. Single. Morning. She opens her eyes, sees the same worn dresser with nothing on it except a picture that was a horrid reminder of her life when she was alive and the ticking time bomb, otherwise known as her clock. The same threadbare rug on the creaky wooden floor. The same broken spring bed. The same dreary grey curtains over the same drafty glass window.

And than she'd get cleaned, dressed and leave for another torturous day at the same school she's been going to since middle school.

But then - the sameness outside wasn't helping anything either. Even the people stay the same. Just grew old and some die - then someone else is born in their place and usually has an uncanny way of filling past dead person's role in the same society.

Wikerhaven never changes. Never.

So yah.

She was basically dead on two feet.

Not to mention everyone thought she was probably crazy. Well - no one could blame them. She used to have friends, used to have fun - as much fun as anyone could have in this place - people liked her even. She had a promising start in life six years ago - then it all fell apart. And people felt sorry for her.

Sad lonely little girl, lost her parents to a sad unfortunate unexplainable murder. A crazy person killed them they'd say, 'we never could catch him, poor girl' - they'd say. Nothing could have been done, who was to know someone like that even existed in lil' ol' Wikerhaven. It's never happened before or since.

Just another exciting unexpected story that riled up the locals because nothing interesting ever happens here.

She was just something new to discuss over afternoon tea and cake. Her parents murder - someone ripped them to shreds - was just the outcome of a shocking slip in the criminal containment department.

The sheriff didn't lock up the convicts tight enough. There aren't any convicts that could do that here. It wasn't even a human being who did that to them - she knows - but if she says, they'll just look at her pityingly and smile gently, agreeing kindly and turn around to whisper how sad it is that she's gone crackers.

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