"No, baby", Bicks said. "I don't doubt you, I know you can keep yourself together. But let's just start with this", he suggested. "Let's take more when we come back if everything goes well, right?"

Freed said nothing, still glaring at the seith mage suspiciously but they turned towards Evergreen when she approached.

"Morning, Freed", she smiled. "Oh, being cranky are we?"

"Blame Bickslow", Freed muttered.

"That's nothing new. So do we have a mission?" Ever asked, Bicks looked at Freed and the swordsman gave up finally.

"What do you think about this?" he asked and gave the mission sheet for the brunette.

"This one?" she asked and flinched when one of the Tiki dolls bumped against her back. "Well... It might not have the best salary, but it would be a good deed to help them out", she said.

"Yeah, and it's not that far", Bicks grinned. "Depending on how long it will take to find that monster, it might only take a day or two, three at the most."

Freed sighed. He needed to remember that Bickslow and Evergreen were just worried, they meant well. And Ever was right, it would be a good deed to help this village.

"So this will be our next mission", Freed decided. "The salary is enough so we can cover the next month's bills with it. But if they have struggles to survive the next winter because they have to pay this, we won't take the money."

"We guessed you would say that, baby", Bickslow chuckled.

"We're good! We're heroes!" his 'babies' said proudly.

Freed stepped at the bar counter where Mirajane was working already.

"Good morning, Mirajane", greenette smiled.

"Good morning you three", Mira greeted. "So, did you find a new mission?"

"Yes, we would like to take this", Freed nodded and handed over the sheet. "Do you know anything more about this than what is stated at the paper?"

"No, sorry", Mira said shaking her head. "That paper came with many others in the same pile, it wasn't brought here by someone specifically. So remember to be really careful, okay? It might be harder mission than it says."

"We will be on alert, thank you", Freed nodded with a smile.

"I will let them know that you will arrive there soon", Mirajane promised.

With that they left the Guild. At their house Freed made them some breakfast and packed lunch for all of them. After eating and checking that hey had all the supplies they needed in their bags, they headed to the train station.

Journey to the town near the village took almost two hours and after that they had to walk one hour until they arrived at their destination.

"Looks like a poor little village", Ever muttered as they looked around. Buildings were simple, some of them decayed. Animals were kept in fences around the village and it seemed like the village got most of it's income from them. Of course they were then really important and losing even one was a huge loss.

"That settles it, we will do what we can to help them out", Freed said and others nodded. "If Laxus is going to be the next Master, it is our duty to show that Fairy Tail will never turn their back if someone needs our help. No matter if they can pay us or not, we will help this village."

"The future Master's soon to be husband has spoken", Bickslow snickered and his 'babies' giggled, making Freed roll his eyes.

"I was hoping I could buy a new fan..." Ever sighed and Freed scowled at her. "I didn't say I wouldn't help", brunette huffed. "You know I will."

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