Chapter Eight

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Friday had arrived... So swiftly that one could easily suggest it over ran it's usual speed..

"Alright! This question is for five points. For all the cheese, This quote, is from what document.

We hold this evidence that all men are created equal, fair and unafraid of....." Mrs. Heather dictated holding a thin piece of paper and just before she could finish, Tess rose her hand up to reply. It was Friday and every Friday, Quizzes were organised on American History, such as this.

Maya had been on the same team as Tess and Allie, which seemed to be topping.

"Tess," Mrs. Heather called out. Demonstrating with her hand, for her answer.

"The Decoration of the Independence," Tess said fingers crossed.

"That is..... Correct! Five points to team A. Nice Work." Mrs. Heather announced, amidst cheers from the apparent Team A. Just then, Principal Rowlings came in cloaked in a three pieced suit and a red tie. Probably one of his best, so far. It looked like he was fully prepared for the evening. He had come to address the excited class, who couldn't seem to get a grip from much thoughts of the event.

"See you all this evening. I will be the chaperone of today's event. Meaning, No loopholes, or smart attack, a meter rule distance, I would have made it two feet but that would have made me a weird Principal wouldn't it? No staying alone... No... "

Alright, can he just get a grip from his paranoia, it's uncalled for...

He gave a long list of dos and don'ts, for the night's event. No one was to be trusted, according to him.


Maya left the class after an announcement, that seemed to have taken forever. She held her books on both hands, until a shot from a ball crashed all her books, that were arranged in a neat pile. The unequal force between the books and her balance made her slip too.

The football that did the job rolled over, after a job well done.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry. It wasn't intentional." The voice could be heard from few feet behind. Whoever did that, must have been running over to offer an apology.

Yeah of course. I didn't expect it to be, but now, I'm covered in dirt and some students took the pictures of my fall. Just the perfect shot for the School's headline.

"Hey! It's you again... Maya is it?" It was Daniel.

You have got to be kidding me right? I'm supposed to go out with you this night and you don't even know my name?... Play along Maya, Play Along.

"Yes I'm Maya. You must be Daniel right? Not so sure of your name either," She said faking a toothed smile.

"Yeah... Sorry about the little accident." He apologized.

"It's fine," She said. She meant her word. He spoke so freely and occasionally used his hands to emphasize. He smiled at intervals and it made Maya wonder..

Now I see what Tess meant by 'Girls could kill to be with him' Girls though... Not just me. This is the treatment I'm getting free. I mean look at his eyes, so sparkly. Even with the thousands of perspiration beads that rolled through, he still looks that good. Focus Maya! You have to make it look like you follow what he's saying.

She had lost track indeed and only when he laughed, that she remembered to laugh too.

"So what do you think?" He asked.

"Fantastic story, I learned a lot."

"There was no story," He stopped to laugh.

"I asked a question. Would you accompany me to the dance?" He asked with sheer clarity

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