Sneak Peak

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I am so excited and happy to meet my love, my to be wife. She called me and wanted to meet me right now. Don't know what she want from me. But i promise that i will give whatever she asks me. Because she is my doll, my angel.

There she is...sitting alone waiting for me "for me" only and only for me. Whatever she does for me makes me so high and the happiest man in the world.

"Hey Doll, What's up?" i shifted her gaze to me by my words and she looks at me with a confusion and worry in her face.

"What happened doll? Your face looks so dull? Any problem?" i really got worried seeing her confused face.

"You will do whatever i ask you right?"

She questioned me and the answer for that is ofcourse i will do anything she asks me. There will be NO for her in my life. But why she asked me now? And now i am confused.

She looks for my answer and i firmly said, "YES, I WILL DO"

"Then, please stop our marriage"

There she ends it. Yes she ends my world with her words.

Now, her worries and confusion shifted to me. I look at her puzzled.

She again requested me, "Do you hear me what i said? Please stop our marriage".

Again she killed me by her words. My heart started screaming in pain she gives me. I wanted to know, yes definitely i wanted to know the reason.

"But Why?" my words becomes weak and i couldn't raise my voice and couldn't speak more.


Here is a sneak peak of the Secret admirer - Season 2.

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