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"Harry, you have to turn around. I can't look you in the eyes while doing this." Tom said in an uncharacteristically emotional voice. Harry turned around, his nerves suppressed by hope and trust. Tom raised his wand. "Before I say the spell, just remember that it could take me a while to reverse the spell. I'll have to find the counter spell. I do remember that there is one, I just don't know it. Are you really, Harry?"

It was early morning on the day of the trial. Harry was terrified but held up. He stood straight, his back to Tom and he closed his eyes, taking deep breathes. He told Tom he was ready and Tom steadied his wand. 



What had Harry done to deserve this? He didn't know who killed his uncle. He hadn't been at the Dursleys when he had died. He was confused, scared, even. Why was he being questioned? At least he had Tom beside him, his best friend. Tom looked more worried than Harry felt, his eyes dull and wet with unfallen tears but he remained tactful. Tom never let his facade fall. 

As instructed, Harry sat on the chair in the middle of the room and Tom went and sat in the court stands alone. Albus Dumbledore sat next to the minister, wondering if Harry really had killed his uncle. A man came and gave Harry a vial of Veritaserum and Harry had the three drops he was told to take, wondering what questions he'd be asked. He hoped he wouldn't be asked about his uncle and his relationship. That wouldn't go down well.

"Name?" Asked the judge.

"Harry James Potter."

"What was your relationship like with your uncle?" She asked.

"Abusive," Harry said. He flinched in his head but found he couldn't say anything else. The court gasped, not expecting that answer. 

"How so?" She asked. Harry found himself trying to keep his mouth shut but he knew he needed to talk, but he couldn't lie. He hated this stupid potion. All these people would be in on his biggest secret. 

"He sexually abused me on multiple occasions and physically and mentally abused me," Harry told them. The court went silent for a moment. 

"Did you kill Vernon Dursley? Do you know who did?"

"No," Harry said. And easy as that, the case was dismissed and Harry got his wand back and was back on his way to Hogwarts with Tom and Albus. Little did Harry know of his lie. Tom couldn't help but smirk and Dumbledores confused and annoyed face told it all. He wanted to see Harry and Tom fall.

Stupid Dumbledore. 


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