A Sudden Start

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"So, as top students of the school, we'd like to feature the both of you on the front of 'witch weekly' magazine. Honestly, both of you hold such potential, I think it will be a great head start for the both of you. You'll be paid, of course. One hundred galleons each should suffice." Harry and Tom were ecstatic. They had needed more money and this was the perfect chance to get some. Tom was also excited to get some publicity. It was then that the perfect job idea hit him. They both agreed and arranged for a photo shoot to take place the next week.

______Time Skip______

Silently, the two boys got ready for the photo shoot. Harry was nervous and Tom could see that as he fumbled clumsily, trying to do up his shirt buttons. Tom sighed and walked up to Harry and gently pushed Harry's hands away from his shirt. Tom began to slowly do Harry's shirt buttons up and Harry looked at him in relief. When they were done getting ready, they turned to look in the mirror. They had been given these robes specifically for the shoot but had been told that they could keep them. 

"Tom, you look amazing," Harry whispered as if he was scared someone would hear him. Tom smiled slightly at the remark. Tom was wearing an emerald green and black bow tie as well as dark grey robes. He was wearing a plain white shirt and he was wearing grey trousers. His shoes were the same as he wore to school but that didn't matter since they wouldn't get the picture anyway. 

"I could say the same to you," Tom said flirtatiously. Harry was wearing a silver tie and a black robe, a white shirt, black suit trousers and he was also wearing his school shoes. Harry smiled and together they left the room and stood in the hallway. They were both glad they had gotten permission from professor Dippit to come here for the photo shoot. In fact, he had looked delighted with the proposition. 

A lady with dark, smooth skin came up to them. Harry thought she looked very beautiful as she smiled at them and lead himself and Tom to the room where the photo shoot and interview would take place. Once the photos were taken, Harry and Tom were split and interviewed separately. When the day was done, the headed back to Hogwarts and climbed into bed, exhausted.

______Time Skip______  

The very next day, an owl arrived with their post. Witch weekly, free of charge. Tom and Harry heard whispers as they went to look at the magazine and people were staring. They had both expected this reaction from the school. The front cover was a picture of Harry and Tom smiling at the camera with the heading 

'what are the plans these two straight 'O' students have? Harry Potter and Tom Riddle tell us!'

'Harry Potter, accused of killing his parents as an infant, clears up these accusations with a very simple truth. "How could one baby kill two, fully-flenched adults? Surely you know that a baby would most likely die if they did such a thing."

'When we asked him what he wanted to do with his future, he told us: "I want to become an author of educational books to inspire others to learn. I may be a Slytherin but I still think that education is really important to build a bright and successful future. I also think that becoming an aura would be interesting, but I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'll even come back and be a professor at Hogwarts."

'We also interviewed Tom Riddle who is also a straight 'O' student and asked him how he achieved such high grades. "Well, if you study hard then you can do anything. You just have to stay focused on your education, which is what I did."

'When we asked him what he wanted to do with his future, we got a very ambitious answer. "I would like to run for Minister. I think I have a lot I could bring to the table and I could help others have the perfect community to live in."

Clearly, these two boys are very talented and have a very bright future ahead of them.'

Tom and Harry looked at each other and grinned before putting down the magazine and continuing to eat their breakfast, ignoring the chatter happening around them as the rest of the school looked at the same witch weekly article. 

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