Leaving Wools Orphanage

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Rain fell onto the two of them as they walked briskly down the busy streets of London. Tom stood tall, dragging the feather-light suitcase behind him. Harry ran his fingers through his wet hair, a slight resistance meeting his index finger as he came to a tangle in his hair which he tugged on. He sighed slightly, glad that they were leaving that horrible orphanage. Not once had they come to check on Tom and the one time Tom had left to restock on food Harry had heard screaming and Tom had come back with a gash on his cheek which Tom later told him was from the person who ran the place who had a drinking problem. 

Tom turned to look at Harry and smiled at him through the rain before facing forward. It was freezing cold, the September wind slapping their cheeks and making the water feel like ice on their skin. This didn't faze them for they were excited for another year at Hogwarts, away from the muggles. Harry knew that after his Uncles death his aunt Petunia wouldn't let him back, even though she had no clue that he was involved. 

"When is he going to die?" Harry asked Tom curiously. Some muggles looked at them curiously but they ignored them. They were no threat. They most likely thought that they were talking about a terminally ill friend or relative. Nobody would expect that these twelve-year-old boys were murders'. 

"By the end of the week, he will be dead," Tom told Harry while they walked into kings cross. they walked through the crowds and arrived at the wall between platform nine and ten. Tom walked through first and Harry followed. "Alright?"

Harry nodded as they paraded through platform nine and three-quarters towards the the Hogwarts Express. It wasn't raining here, and that made Harry wonder where exactly they were. Maybe there was a spell around the platform that stopped rain from entering the area, Harry pondered silently as while strolling to the train. 

________________TIME SKIP______________

Tom took the last bite of his pudding and set down his fork. Harry ate much slower than he did, Tom noted subconsciously. Harry was only just halfway through his pudding and he had had a much smaller piece than Tom had. Tom frowned slightly and scratched his head. 

How exactally had the abuse affected Harry? Is this why he ate slower than Tom did? Was it why he was much quieter when he first met him? Tom didn't know how to ask Harry these questions since they were so personal to him but he knew he had to find a way. But at least Harry was eating and sleeping. Tom smiled slightly and started a conversation with Harry.

What was going to take place this year at Hogwarts?

AN - Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment if you did! ^_^

RIPPED- Tom x Harry fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now