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When Tom awoke Harry was still nowhere to be seen. Tom assumed that Harry was still angry at him and had decided to sleep in the common room. When he went downstairs, however, Harry was nowhere to be seen. He waited a few minutes in case Harry was using the toilet but when he still didn't come out Tom decided to make his way to breakfast. Perhaps Harry was there already.

But Harry wasn't there, in fact, he was nowhere to be seen. Tom didn't eat, only waited for Harry to appear but he never did. At the end of breakfast, Tom left the table and made his way to class. Harry would never skip class without good reason, so when he wasn't there Tom began to panic. A few minutes into the lesson, Slughorn asked where Harry was. Nobody knew. Nobody but Tom really cared. He couldn't focus, not even a bit, and after his first lesson, he decided to go and ask professor Dippit if he knew where Harry was.

"Harry's missing?" Dippit said.

"Yes sir, since last night, sir."

"Well, I will get people on it at once, Tom. Thank you for letting me know." Dippit said.

"Is that it?" Tom said, worried about his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry Tom, but we will do our best to find him,"


"No, no, no. You're dead. He - he killed you! This - this is a trick!" Harry said, struggling to move.

"No, I'm not dead, Harry. I'm all but dead, I'm back to beat and rape every part of you, over and over again." Vernon said evilly.

"No, get away from me!" Harry said, his eyes wide with fear. It didn't matter and Vernon raped him anyway. He had no care for Harry as he screamed and cried, acting just like he did in the videos, just like he had countless times before. He could still hear the screaming as his uncle did the unthinkable to him once again. When he was done, Vernon left, leaving him with the horrors of the videos.

Time felt strange, and days seemed to pass before he next heard somebody walk into the small room. His uncle emerged again, and Harry struggled against his bounds. The videos were tormenting him, watching days' worth of his own abuse, wondering when he would suffer more.

"Harry, do you not wonder how I got out alive?" Veron said as he came closer. Harry said nothing.

"Let me get him, then," Veron said before leaving the room. Then Tom walked in. Harry felt relieved, embarrassed, and confused all at once. His anger with Tom was forgotten now.  Harry tried to inch closer, but he was tied up strong.

"You know, Harry, those videos your uncle made of you really turned me on," Tom said. Harry couldn't believe his ears.

"W-what? I thought you were angry at him?" Harry said, tears falling down his face at Tom's sudden betrayal.

"No, I actually made a deal with him. He even let me keep one of the tapes. This one, actually, Oh god, it gets me so hard to see you abused like the weak boy you are." Tom said. These were things Tom would never say, had never said. 

"You aren't Tom," Harry said, fear filling him even so. 

"Believe what you will, I'm going to do what your uncle taught me,"

Tom took off his belt, hitting Harry with him against his stomach. Harry whimpered, his eyes tearing up. This wasn't Tom, it couldn't be. He would never do this to him. He had said he loved him, that he cared about him. This wasn't him, was it?


AN - Uh, don't ask I'm not sure either

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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