The Orphanage

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Tom walked down the charted streets of London with his feather-light trunk in hand. He knocked on the door and some of the children playing outside stilled in terror. This did not faze Tom. He was perfectly used to being feared, in fact, he enjoyed it. It meant he always got his way no matter what. 

"Oh, Tom. You're back." Said a woman at the orphanage in fake happiness. She sounded terrified behind her happy facade but that didn't faze Tom. "I'll get out of your way. Dinner is served at -" Tom slammed the door in her face, not bothering to listen. He put the trunk under his metal-framed bed and climbed into it.

"Finally! I was beginning to miss you, Tom," Harry said teasingly. Tom rolled his eyes but kept an amused look on his face before sitting down and starting on his summer homework. Harry came over and started doing the same. It was easy, way bellow their level. They always had to ask for harder work in lessons and they were both top of the class, both of them getting higher marks than most of the students in the year above them.

This annoyed a lot of the students. One, in particular, was Minerva McGonnigal who was the third smartest in the year, behind Tom and Harry. She felt it unfair that a Slytherin should have better marks than herself, a Gryffindor. This amused the boys and kept their grades up in order to get under her skin.

Tom finished before Harry and went over to help him finish. Harry wasn't stuck on the essay, he was just focusing on irrelevant detail, as Tom pointed out as he read a bit of his essay that rambled on about uses of Dragon Blood. Harry rolled his eyes but took note. Harry was done only fifteen minutes later and Harry asked Tom if Tom should go for dinner.

"No, I shan't bother. I can always eat here, anyway. They won't look for me. They're terrified to death of me," Tom told Harry, going to grab some fruit and he thought to pick one up for Harry, too. "Would you like an apple, Harry?"

"Yes, please," Harry and Tom both ate their apple while having a small discussion about what they would accomplish in their next year at Hogwarts. Good grades, keeping up facades and doing what they could to do well in the wizarding community were at the top of their lists. 

Soon, the two of them got tired and got changed into their pyjamas. After they had they climbed into the bed and Tom spooned Harry, smiling into his hair. The two of them fell into a comfortable sleep. This was going to be a long summer.

AN - leave a comment if you enjoyed the story! I'm going away for a few days (from tomorrow to Sunday) so I probably won't update until Monday since I'll be away from the internet until Sunday and then be too shattered to write. Anyway, I am going to bed. Night!

RIPPED- Tom x Harry fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now