A Promise

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Tom gazed down at Harry as he slept, a look of sadness and anger displayed on his face as he thought of the abuse Harry had been put through. Guilt that he couldn't help Harry also filled him. But now he would take his revenge. 

Quietly, Tom put a silencing ward around his and Harry's bed so that Harry wouldn't hear what was about to happen. With a steady hand, Tom brewed a 'special drink' for Vernon. Once he finished around an hour later, Tom opened the trunk and climbed out, careful to close it behind him. 

"Lumos!" Tom whispered almost silently as he came to a locked door. Stealthily, he opened it. There he saw a fat, lazy old man sitting in front of a small, wooden TV. Dursley was surrounded by stacks and stacks of videotapes, each labelled with numbers. Tom noticed that they seemed to be in groups. Some were numbered three, up to eleven. Tom's eyes focused the screen after he heard from it the rather disturbing sound of a child crying. 

The toddler had short, raven, messy hair and pale skin. He wore nothing but was tied to a bed with bandages and looked to be about three - at most four - years of age. The things that the man was doing to him was horrifying and the look on the child's face told it all. To further Tom further, it was clearly Harry that was being abused here and the man was Vernon. 

And that was when Tom realised. These were all video's of the abuse that tormented Harry.

That was the final straw. Tom looked over in hope that Vernon was drinking. Hew was. There was a half empty bottle of beer beside him and so silently Tom accio'd it towards him. Careful not to make a noise, Tom poured the poisoned potion into the beer and carefully levitated it back with a more controllable form of Wingardium Leviosa. He withdrew into the shadows, making sure he was not to be seen.

Patiently, he waited for Vernon to take a sip of the drink. Before he did, however, he put his hands down his dirty, old trousers while watching the tape. Tom was disgusted by this performance and became even more vengeful. Soon Vernon picked up his beer and took a massive swig from it. 

Tom's mouth turned into an upturned smirk as Vernon fell to the ground in pain. Tom walked towards the tv and turned it off. Vernon was in so much pain that he would not have noticed him anyway. He would not die yet, not until they were at school, giving himself and Harry the perfect alibis. 

But Vernon would be in excruciating pain. Pain worse than the cruciatus curse. And on top of that, he'd feel unbearable hunger at all times. He'd never escape, not until his death. And he had a long time until then. 

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