And with the tiredness finally taking over, my eyelids fall shut.


My eyelids flutter open violently, immediately suffering from the bright light as I gasp, breathing heavily.

I glance up, seeing cuffs on my wrists, me being chained to the led pipe in the roof.

What the hell?

"Finally awake, I see." The gruff voice scares the crap out of my as I whip my head to the side, staring at the man, also cuffed to the led pipe, not believing my eyes.

Jackson Whittemore is only mere inches away from me, dried blood on some spots on his skin, telling me that he's been beaten up several times, though, I probably look worse than him.

"Jesus Whittemore, you scared the crap out of me."

  "Good to see you too, Martin." He smirks, a cocky one, of course, but I can't help but be relieved to see him.

My eyes scan the hallway, meeting with a stone faced guard, heavily armed, standing a few metres away from us.

I want to ask Jackson so many questions.
Where are we? Why is he here? What's going on?

But I don't have the time as Jackson begins to speak, already coming up with an escape plan.

"Listen up." Jackson whispers, eyeing me, "you call him over, act like you're interested in him, and I'll take care of the rest."

"The rest?" I quirk an eyebrow, Jackson sighing, "just do it. We need to get out of here."

Nodding, I gaze over to the guard.

"You know, for a guard, or hunter, or whatever, you're pretty good looking."

This catches his attention immediately.

God, the guilt of shamelessly flirting with this guy, knowing I'm dating Stiles, is too much, nevertheless, this is for survival.

"I know you're probably scared of me, but trust me, I won't hurt you, I just want to have some fun."

He lowers his gun slightly, eyes searching me up and down.

"If you're not afraid of me, why don't you come a little closer? I don't bite, I promise." I give him a flirty grin as he steps closer, the heavy sound of his boots echoing off of the walls.

He is only mere inches away from me and Jackson, me batting my eyelashes at him.

"You know, it's very dangerous to be near us, but I guess it's too late to back out now." Before the guard can even move, Jackson whips out his tail, throwing him against the wall as he passes out onto the floor.

"Gotta' give it to you, that was disturbing, yet impressive." Jackson sends a smirk my way, now digging for the keys to the cuffs in the guard's pocket.

He succesfully pulls out said keys and with some struggle, and some time, both of us are finally free of the steel cuffs.

Rubbing my wrists, I straighten my composure, thankful that I have some energy and that I feel ten times better than I did when I spoke with Monroe.

"Come on, we gotta go get Ethan." Jackson tells me, making me stop in my tracks.

"Ethan? As in Ethan Steiner?"

"Yes." Jackson nods, "you two are together?" He nods again, me raising my eyebrows, taking in the news.

Though, I'm not suprised. Lydia and I knew since Freshmen year that there's a chance Jackson would turn out gay. It all started when he tried out for lacrosse, though that's a story for another time.

"I'm glad you finally figured it out." Jackson playfully rolls his eyes, laughing, as we both turn a corner, a steel door situated on the opposite wall.

Approaching it, Jackson places his ear against the wall, then immediately backing up as we both hear several gun shots, following by a scream ripping through the air.

Then, in a matter of miliseconds, the door bursts open, my eyes widening at the person on the other side.


His eyes are wide, almost popping out, "Lilly?"

And without wasting another second, I run as fast as my legs can carry me, straight into the extended arms of Stiles, breaking down in tears as he tightly hugs me.

So many questions are swiveling in my head.

Where am I? In Beacon Hills? How did Stiles end up here?

What the hell is going on?



hi guys!
wow, it's been awhile but I'm back and I'm finishing this book between today and tomorrow and omg it's literally making me sad bc this book series has been my life for the pass year and I just-
I can't deal w finishing it

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