Yuta is surprised to hear these words coming from Mr Kim's mouth. He has never mentioned any feelings of love towards his son before.

"Okay" is all he says in response.

He doesn't know what else he could possibly say. The atmosphere is heavy.

"I think you've said enough" Sicheng speaks up. Instead of the usual annoyed look, Mr Kim would use, he just nods and walks away. He takes a seat in the opposite side of the room, as far from Yuta as he can get.

Hey, have you seen Doyoung? He hasn't come home yet...

Yuta's heart clenches as he reads the message. Taeil doesn't know what's happened.

It's been 2 hours since they arrived at the hospital. The doctors are struggling to stabilise Doyoung. He lost a lot of blood.

Yuta's pants are drenched with it, from when he held his brother in his arms.

Taeil ah...I think you should come to the hospital


What happened?!

There was an accident and Doyoung got injured. Really bad, he's been in surgery for 2 hours

I'll be there within 10

Yuta turns off his phone and looks at Sicheng who is leaned back in his chair, right hand holding Yuta's left tightly.

The older can't believe he forgot to tell Taeil. He should've come to his mind instantly.

"Yuta?" A familiar voice suddenly calls his name.

The Japanese looks up in confusion, shocked to see Taeyong standing before him.

"What are you doing here?" His friend questions, gaze slowly turning to one filled with concern as he sees Yuta's tear stricken face.

"Doyoung fell from the second floor, he's in surgery" Yuta explains quickly.

Taeyong mutters a curse beneath his breath before crouching to be able to look Yuta in the eye.

He places a hand on his knee and squeezes, reassuringly.

"I'm sure he will be fine. Doyoung would never leave you like this. He treasures you too much."

Just as Yuta goes to respond, he pauses, changing his words.
"Why are you here?"

Taeyong gulps as he briefly looks to Sicheng before focusing on his friend once more.

"It's nothing, I was just getting a small test done."

Yuta notices a look of slight fear in the older's eyes, which causes him to push for more information.

"Are you sick?"

Taeyong hesitates before answering, "I am, but don't freak out. They said I won't die, not for the next 50 years at least."

"What?" Yuta exclaims, his eyes filling with tears all over again. "When were you going to tell me?"

"It's nothing Yuta. I was going to wait until I knew more before telling you." He speaks of it as though it weren't anymore then a simple cold.

"What is it? A tumour?" The Japanese boy questions.

Taeyong shakes his head slowly, "My heart is weak. Weaker then it should be, so weak that it's a concern."

Yuta raises a brow in confusion.

"You know how I get sick a lot whenever I get really stressed? It's because my heart can't deal with beating too fast. It sends my body into a panic mode which can harm me." Taeyong explains slowly.

"The doctor's out" Sicheng interrupts the conversation.

Yuta turns to see a young male walking towards them. He immediately stands, Sicheng and Taeyong standing as well.

"Are you Doyoung's family?" The doctor questions, they all nod.

Mr Kim makes his way over to them and just lingers behind them as he listens into the information.

"We managed to complete a successful blood transfusion. He has the correct amount of blood flowing through his veins again." The doctor frowns as he makes eye contact with Yuta.
"You may want to sit down."

"Just say it" Yuta chokes back on a sob as he listens to the rest of what the doctor has to say.

"There is a 99% chance that Doyoung's heart will fail within the next 12 hours. The hit to his head was too hard, his body is struggling to deal with it. We are going to put him into the ICU. I'd recommend you start saying your goodbyes. It'll be a miracle if he survives the night."

A/N - there are so many accounts that i want to talk to but i'm a very shy bean so i don't have the guts to do so whoop

thanks for reading!!

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