9: Apathetic

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"Red. Either the exact same shade as the Red Cross logo, or darker. I don't know why, that logo is a really nice color to me. You?" Will answered the basic question easily.

"You may not believe it, but black." Nico told him sarcastically, showing off the black jacket and shirt, "Or Navy blue."

"Oh really, dark colors? I never would have guessed." Will deadpanned. Nico chuckled. Will stared for a moment, because Nico's chuckles were oddly adorable.

Wait, no, he didn't think that at all. No siree.

"Okay, just because no one can see me, it's not an excuse to miss archery." Will strolled over, in his ghostly glory, to a bow and a few arrows. He shot at the targets like it was any normal lesson, though he wasn't fantastic. A few campers pointed him out, looking at the floating bow curiously.

"Try n grab it." One kid suggested to another. One walked, carefully, to the bow, trying to pull it away. Will chuckled, letting it go completely and then walking back to Nico and sitting down.

"Ghost invisibility is fun." Will stated simply.

"I can imagine." Nico told him dully. Will glanced away, feeling awkward. Nico focused on a different conversation, keeping the noise at the front of his mind.

"Hey, uh, you can always tell me to fuck off. The only reason I still bother you is that you haven't told me to go away yet. So you're, you know, free to do that." Will mentioned.

"I have no problem with you being around." Nico shrugged.

"Okay, cool. But, still, just so you know. You can tell me to go away and I will." Will assured.

"I understand that, thank you. I don't think I will, but I'll keep it in mind." Nico told him. Will looked like he wanted to say more on the subject, but he stopped himself from doing so.

"It's lunch, come on." Nico went to grab Will's arm to pull him up, then realized that his hand phased right through.

"Oh, cool." Will stood up on his own, walking with Nico to the mess Hall and sitting back at the Hades table, once again.

"Food, Nico." Will reminded him. Nico ate a small bit, as much as he could, and then just relaxed. As per usual.

"You're surprisingly okay with being dead." Nico mentioned.

"It's like I'm not even dead. If I miss my family, I can contact them. It's whatever." Will shrugged.

"You seem like a touchy-feely person, you have no problem with not being able to touch people anymore?" Nico questioned.

"I'm fine with it."

"Have you even thought about what happens when you finally go to the underworld and-"

"Trust me, Nico. I've thought, and over thought, about everything to do with my situation. But I can't do anything about it. So I'll suffer and hang out with you. Until you tell me to go away, obviously." Will told him.

"I'm simply not used to someone dead being so okay with it. It's odd." Nico explained. Will seemed a bit uneasy, yet again. He seemed to be, often, when the subject of his death and his reaction to it came up.

"It's just about knowing I can't do anything to change the situation. I can overthink to no end, or whatever, because I... just do that, but I can't do anything. So I'm at the point of not caring." Will shrugged. It wasn't a reaction Nico was used to.

Well, not the reaction he was used to coming from someone that died the way Will did.

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora