7: It Begins

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"Nico, I want to talk to you." Kayla walked up to Nico, stopping him from heading to his next class. Will looked at Kayla curiously, watching the scene between the two unfold.

"Go ahead." Nico responded simply.

"How do you think Will died?" Kayla asked. Nico looked pretty shocked by the question. Will looked at Nico expectantly.

"Well? Tell her, she deserves to know." Will insisted.

"I can just tell her you're a ghost and you can talk to her." Nico offered, looking oddly next to Kayla as he spoke mentally to Will.

"Or you can become a low-key hero of my cabin by telling her yourself. Plus, that honestly sounds annoying, I don't want to talk to my family." Will explained. Nico gave him a sort of weird look, not expecting that answer, before answering Kayla.

"He was..." Nico realized he actually didn't remember what Will said.

"...Protecting a camper from a monster." Will finished for him.

"He was protecting a camper from a monster. In the forest." Nico repeated. Kayla didn't look super sure about that, along with surprised that she got an answer.

"How do you know that?" Kayla questioned. Nico glanced at Ghost Will, who shrugged.

"Hades magic?"

"Hades magic. Son of the god of death, I can know how people died." Nico added onto Will's lie, to make it more believable.

"Since when?" Kayla asked him.

"It's when you're close to the person. Makes it easy." Will answered.

"I was never close to you." Nico argued, mentally.

"Then make your own shit up, I dunno." Will shrugged.

"...It's new?" Nico told Kayla, a bit unsure about the answer.

"And where in the forest? We want something for the memorial, it's being held in a few days. Funeral service and all." Kayla explained. Nico didn't need Will's help for that one.

"I don't know, it's hard to pinpoint where he died. I believe that he would have been deeper into the forest." Nico stated. He tried to ignore as Will walked right into Kayla, nearly disappearing as he just stood in the same place she was. Kayla shivered, but had little reaction.

"Very helpful. Well, thank you, Nico. Now we know that he was heroic in the end, like he always has been. See you later." Kayla walked off, back towards her cabin, likely to relay the information.

"I'm helping you make friends." Will smiled at Nico.

"The lying is unnecessary, you should be telling your cabin yourself." Nico told him.

"How would I even?" Will asked. Nico rolled his eyes like it was obvious.

"Pencil and paper. You can hold non-living objects, you can write." Nico told him. Will had a sudden look of realization.

"Okay... You're not wrong there, but you see, I'm helping you make friends with my friends. You said people don't notice you or care that you exist, now they will." Will argued. Nico didn't respond to that, because Will wasn't exactly wrong there.

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now