16: Ghosting Your Dreams

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Will woke up in Tartarus.

He didn't know how he knew that's where it was, but he did. He was instantly filled with dread as he looked around the place.

His first thought was that he belonged. Not as though he liked the place, of course. But he figured that he was finally in the underworld, like Nico said he should be, and that this was where it was decided he belonged.

He didn't know exactly what he'd done that would have warranted him going to Tartarus. That was where monsters went, why would he end up there? He had a scary moment of thinking that maybe it was from his transness. Or bisexuality.

Will took another glance around the area.

He found that he wasn't alone there.

Nico wasn't too far away. He seemed to be fighting off a monster, though the dark and the confusion that Tartarus gave off made it hard for Will to know what monster it was.

On instinct, Will rushed for Nico. He had a sword in his hand that he didn't remember grabbing, though he didn't question that. He just wanted to protect Nico, and if he got a free, random weapon to do so, he saw no issue with that.

Will ran in front of Nico, slashing at whatever it was that was attacking him. Nico took a few steps back, surprised by the sudden appearance of the blond. He held his stygian iron sword tightly, prepared to help Will. Though, it hurt to do anything.

Will finished off the monster, turning around and looking at Nico. Nico looked terrified. He was extremely beat up, bleeding from everywhere, covered in bruises and cuts, and exhausted. Will hugged Nico tightly, surprised when they actually made contact.

"How did we get here?" Will asked. The Tartarus air hurt his throat to talk, but he had to ask.

Nico was about to answer.

And then they woke up, in Hades cabin.

Will was nothing but confused, really. His mind raced, and his heart would be racing if he had a heartbeat. He looked around the room, seeming to confirm that he knew where he was.

And then, Will's mind was flooded.

"It's okay. I'm okay. It was just a nightmare, I'm not there anymore. I'm out of Tartarus. Just a nightmare. It's okay." Nico's voice, talking to himself. Will glanced over at Nico's bed, though, he found that his mouth wasn't moving. And that he wasn't looking at him. So it was odd that Will heard him.

"Nico?" Will asked quietly. Nico jumped, breathing heavy as he looked back at Will.

"Hey, are you alright? Try and breathe, Nico, it's okay. Do you know how to pace your breathing, any exercises? I can help you." Will sat next to Nico as he sat up. Nico nodded, holding his chest and counting to an exercise he'd learned some time ago.

"I'm okay. Did you enter my dream?" Nico asked him.

"I'm assuming, yeah. If yours was just the nightmare in Tartarus where you were getting attacked." Will told him.

"That would be it."

~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang