2: Clarifications

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"And you know that you're dead, completely?"

"Yeah? Obviously."

"Some don't. I've seen ghosts show up without realizing they were dead. They don't usually stay around for this long, though. And you are Will Solace? Son of Apollo?"

"Yep yep, that'd be me. William James Solace." Will confirmed.

Nico noticed something, but he couldn't think about it just yet.

"Where were you attacked? On your body, I mean. And where, geologically." Nico questioned.

"Uh, stomach? I think that's where the killing blow was. I remember hearing a crack in my ribs, which was weird. And I couldn't tell you, it was somewhere in the forest." Will answered.

So that confirmed, to Nico, that something was odd.

You can see how someone died on the ghost's body. Your ghost is precisely how you died. Same clothing and such. So, if you were, say, shot in the chest, your ghost would have a hole through its chest. Made sense, right?

Will didn't have any sort of indication like that. He looked quite normal, really. Sneakers, shorts, camp t-shirt with a jacket. A normal outfit. No sort of gash, hole, anything. His clothing wasn't even ripped.

Nico didn't mention that. He had no reason to, yet.

"Would you be able to lead me to your body? Your cabin would like to have that, I think." Nico was pretty comfortable with the conversation; Will was just another dead person, it's not as though this was his first time having this talk.

"Nah, sorry. But, hey, now you can tell them how I died. How heroic I was."

"I'll be sure to do that."

"My dude, not one person has noticed you talking to yourself. I thought I was the invisible one here, but man..." Will commented.

"It's not uncommon for demigods to talk to themselves. No one here really cares that I exist, it isn't surprising."

"Oh man that sucks. You seemed pretty cool to me. A pretty good fighter. And you helped majorly during both of the latest battles, from what I heard. That's pretty cool." Will explained. Nico seemed surprised by that, the compliment.

"Everyone's forgotten about the battle of Manhattan and Gaia. It's been a while, so it only makes sense."

"It was, what, 4 years ago? Either way, you helping with that was cool. It sucks you don't get much attention now. Weren't you friends with the prophecy 7?"

"They're off doing their own stuff. College and all. Or at the other camp."


~I've Been Ghosting~ SolangeloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt