Chapter Thirteen: a plan

Start from the beginning

He grabbed my chin pulling me closer to him,
"Don't let me hurt you,Yesterday was nothing so keep that in mind" he let go off me and hopped off the bed rushing to the door to leave the room,

A thousand thoughts crawled in my head and suddenly I remembered,
"W-Wait!" I yelled,
He stopped and turned around to know why I stopped him,

"I'm sorry don't go" I yelled without hesitation,
"What?" He said surprised,he probably thought ill be an asshole or something,
He mentioned that he is planning on something and I cannot risk letting whatever opportunity to whatever he's planning slip out of my hands,maybe he will let me call Alice,

"When-When I'm sick,Alice never leaves me alone,and...and I'm sorry that i was disrespectful to you" I needed to get on his good side,maybe it could help me out of here,

"Stay with me..." i put my arms in the air signaling him to take me in his embrace,
"Master" I gave him a sad smile,

"What kind of sick joke is this" he spat,
"Please accept my apology master,don't hurt me please" i tried to gather my fake tears,
"You are scary when you're angry" a tear of real pain left my eye,i was desperate to any chance

"Hey..Hey don't cry" he wiped my tear with his thumb,
"What if i had really died?" I said holding on his grip caressing my cheeks,
"Then I'll follow you" he answered letting a shiver go down my spine, this bitch crazy he is planning to follow me even to my afterlife,

As I expected he instantly fell in my trap,he came back climbing onto the bed and taking me into his arms,laying us both on the bed frame,He reached for the blanket to cover us and we cuddled together,
I didn't feel anything about that but i needed to do that,i needed to act smart if I wanted to leave

"Why are you suddenly so guilty of what you've done" He Questioned,
"I asked myself wether I wanted to be on your bad side or good side and honestly I learned my lesson yesterday" i lied. But not really, i mean half of it was true anyways...but its not about him it's about me escaping this hell hole,

"Hm good thing" he smiled,
"Atleast now you know"
I wanted to know what he was possibly preparing for but i knew it would be obvious that i tried to keep him here to find out if i had asked,

"Hey Master,would you mind telling me about your job" I asked without hesitation,maybe it has to do with his job,

"Do you really wanna know?" He joked,
"It'll get dark"

"Yes tell me,I'm staying might as well know everything about you master" I smiled innocently,
"W-Well" he cleared his throat and began,
"My father,he's the actual boss.
Im just simply working for him," he explained,

"What we do is complicated,do you want me to go into detail?" He asked me lifting an eyebrow making sure if I actually wanted to know,i gulped and nodded my head,

Maybe i could find evidence somewhere so that i could report him to the police,he'll get jailed and ill have to live without worrying,

"We sell drugs,we sell weapons,we sell organs or even people" he said it in a casual tone as if you could just go to a mall and find someone selling a kidney or a kid,
I clenched my fist and felt disgusted by those monsters,

"We do every thing you hear about on the news,we don't have a problem killing anyone who tries to stop us" he started getting into more detail which is what i exactly wanted,
He indeed is dumb just casually telling me all that

"The worst thing you could do to us is not killing us,or trying to harm us,its lying to us"
His expression became serious rather then happy,
"S-Since when have you been working like this" I asked trying to change the subject of killing and lying

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