The 4th prayer

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Dear God,

Will you ever write me back? I don't think so, you don't seem like the kind of person to hand out favors. Oops, I'm not doing a very good job of trying to get into heaven, am I?

Well, What's so great about heaven anyway? From what people have told me, its a place where you'll be happy. But if it's a place you go to be happy, shouldn't everyone be allowed in? What about all the people who made Bad choices? They might have family in heaven that they want to see, and can't because they got Unlucky. I don't think that's fair, I don't think you're fair.

Quinn would tell me that I ask to many questions and then tell me a story about how there's an escalator in hell that goes to heaven. And how if you had good behavior for a week then you could ride it to the top.

But you're not Quinn. And you don't tell me stories to answer my questions or to help Forget about the Bad Things. You just stay silent and let me try to muddle my way through life.

God, You are not very helpful. But if you're not helpful then why do I keep writing to you? Have I finally gotten so Lonely that I've started to write to nonexistent person? I think so.

Love, Everjoy

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