The 3rd prayer

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Dear God,

The Monsters came back last night. Normally I would call her, but now I can't. Why did you do That to Quinn? Why not me? If you had done That to me then at least I wouldn't be waking up Screaming or with Blood under my fingernails from Clawing at my arms. Or would I? I don't know anymore. Nobody does. Not even you. This is too Depressing, I'm going to tell you another story.

When we were 8 we had been sitting in the park just talking. Our bare feet were pressed against up each others, forming a diamond. And suddenly a bird dropped out of the sky and landed inbetween us. It was dead, and we just stared at it.

Do you know what Quinn did? She just murmured "oh." Not even with a capital letter, as water started to press against the back of my eyes and slowly slide down my cheek.

She looked at me and smiled, and then do you know what she did next? She scooted over to where I was, wiped my tears and said

"Cheer up Ever, you're supposed to be Ever- full-of-joy." And then we got up and left the broken bird there.

I'll always wonder why we left that poor bird there.

Love, Everjoy

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