There were only half an hour time left and Freed was still going through Laxus' bag just in case something was missing, when the lightning dragon slayer stepped beside him.

"It's fine, Freed. Just let it go finally", he said grabbing his bag and put it on the floor.

"I just wanted to be sure", Freed said.

"I have waited for a long time to finally say this to you: You're acting ridiculous", Laxus chuckled, making Freed pout. "It will be fine."

"I hate it when Master said you are not allowed to make any contact to us", Freed sighed. "We can't even use communicator lacrima."

"I know, it sucks. But I try to do my mission as quickly as possible so I can get back", Laxus promised kissing Freed's cheek, making him blush. "You know what? I'm not even surprised that no one has yet noticed the rings", he chuckled.

"And when they notice I'm the one who has to explain everything by myself since you're not here", Greenette huffed.

"Sorry, babe."

"It's alright", Freed smiled. "Should we tell at least to your grandfather?"

"Nah, he will notice soon enough. Could you do me one favour?"

"You know you only need to ask."

"Could you keep an eye on Gramps while I'm gone? Just talk with him sometimes at the evening and so on."

"Of course", Freed smiled. "I will keep company to him and make sure nothing happens while you're away."

"Thanks, babe", Laxus smiled. "I know you and others will be fine."

The whole Guild was standing outside and everyone was looking at Laxus and Erza who were standing in front of the gates. Some of the townspeople had also come and wish them good luck.

"Is there anything you still need to know?" Makarov asked from those two. "After you step through those gates, you are on your own in your missions and can return only when you have completed what have been asked."

"We understand everything, Master", Erza assured.

"Good. Laxus, your mission takes place at the north, Erza, yours is at the south. Follow the mission sheets I gave you. These might not be the hardest missions you have ever done, my children, but they are tough as you have to complete them alone. Be brave and never forget that we are here and we will always watch over you."

"Thanks, Gramps", Laxus said with small smile.

"We will wait your return with anticipation", Makarov said and they heard how bells started to toll. "It is noon. Now get out here, brats! And show them the might of the Fairy Tail!" he said and the Guild cheered.

Freed smiled slightly sad. This moment had something familiar in it. It felt like the day when Laxus was exiled from the Guild... They wouldn't see each other for a long time again. But he needed to remember this was nothing like that time. Laxus wasn't exiled, but on a mission that would decide if he would become the next Master. This was a whole different situation.

As Laxus turned their eyes met for a second. The lightning dragon slayer smiled and nodded encouragingly and Freed returned the gesture. Everything would be fine.

At the next second Laxus was already walking away from the Guild with Erza and they all just stood there, watching in silence until they finally disappeared from their sight. And even then they all just kept standing there for a while, until the townspeople started to slowly scatter.

"I know many of you guys are worried about them", Makarov finally said looking at them. "But they will be alright. It's not like I send them to the gates of death or something. Let's all go now inside."

Freed followed the others to the Guild Hall.

"Okay, so moving on to the next topic", Makarov said when he stepped on the bar counter. "Elfman, Bickslow, if you would do the honour?"

"Try and stop", Bicks grinned.

Freed flinched when suddenly those two men grabbed his arms and he was lifted up and shoved on the bar counter, barely able to maintain his balance so he wouldn't fall. With confusion he looked at Bickslow and Elfman, then the others and saw everyone smiling.

"Congratulations!" they shouted loudly making the whole Hall tremble.

"W-what?" Freed stuttered blinking.

"About the engagement, you blockhead", Bickslow smirked.

"Engagement! Freed's a bride!" his dolls giggled.

"It is always nice to have a reason like this to have a party", Makarov laughed loudly as they started to open barrels.

"But we just had a festival yesterday", someone said.

"Well, then we just keep that festival going on!" Makarov guffawed.

"B-but... How did you...?" Freed asked amazed, but was cut short when Evergreen reached to hand him a piece of paper.

"Sweetie, weren't you even a little bit surprised how he talked with almost everyone? He told me to give this to you after the surprise", she smiled and Freed took the paper, opening it.

"Surprised? I hope so. Now you have something to do since you have to figure out the best possible punishment for me because I broke the rule of not telling about the engagement. That should keep you busy at least for a while. I will come back before you know it, love."

Freed could only laugh. He should have known. Laxus always managed to surprise him somehow when he least expected him to. He loved it.

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