The 1st prayer

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Dear God,

Why did you do This to Quinn? She didn't ask for This, I know that it's probably because she did something terrible. But Quinn is a good person, the worst thing she ever did was try beer when her parents weren't home. And even then, I was there by her side, not drinking being the good girl that I am, and I made sure she was safe and tucked her into bed. Quinn always has been the daring one in our pair.

But that was when we were 10, We're 16 now. Don't you think that it's time to let go of it? If you don't then I kinda think that you're not as grand as we all believe. No offence, But I'm starting to think that you're just as Confused as the rest of us, otherwise there wouldn't be anything bad in the world. And there are Bad Things. And those Bad Things are so bad that they have to be capitalized, even though it's not proper grammar. Back to Quinn though, why did you do That to her? Why God?

Love, Everjoy

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