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I don't why Queen wasn't answering my texts but I'm just gonna track her down.

I was confused when the device told me she was at the nearby hospital.

I quickly got in my car and follow what the device was telling me.

Moment I got there I quickly got out, turn off my car, and ran in the hospital.

When I got in the hospital I saw them running in with Queen lifeless body.

I was so scared that I ran after them,but this dude stopped me.

"Wait who are you?" He asked me and I felt like punching him but I kept my cool.

"I'm her-" he cuts me off.
"Only family members are allowed to see her" he said and I looked at him weird.

"You didn't even let me speak" I said rolling my eyes.
"Who are you to her?" He asked.
"I'm her brother" I lied and he nodded.

"In order to believe that I need to see your ID" he said and I quickly showed him my ID.

"That name isn't popping up" he said and I was confused.
"Try Onfroy" I said and he nodded.

"First name is Queen middle is Santana" he said and I nodded.

Just then I realize she have my last name as her middle name.

Maybe we are related or it's just a coincidence.

"Ok Mr. Nicholas can you go wait for a few minutes?" He asked and I chuckled.
"What do you mean wait, what happened to her?" I asked him.

"I don't know, but like I said go wait" he said sounding annoyed.
I just did as told and enter the waiting room to see her husband.

I don't even know why this man hate me, cuz I never try to hit on his wife after I found out she was married.
I walked to where he was sitting with Jaqueen.

She doesn't like me either but I need to know what happened to Queen.
"Hey" I said and he looked up at me with red puffy eyes.

Wow he must've been crying.

"Wassup" he said with the fakest smile. "Umm I'm sorry for whatsoever that happened, but do you mind if I ask what happened to Queen?" I asked hoping he answer.

"She got shot" he simply said not wanting to say anymore.
"Oh I uh umm sorry but let's just hope she makes it" I said not knowing what to say.

"I'm hoping" he said.
"Hey lil girl" I said waving at Jaqueen but she quickly scoot to her dad.

I just left to sit on the other side of the room.
I opened my phone and started texting my dad about stuff to see if me and Queen are maybe related.

Texting mode
Pops: sup Nachos
Me: sup dad, I got a quick question
Pops: go ahead Nachos
Me: do I have a sister?
It took him a while to reply.
Pops: why, what makes you think that?
Me: nothing just wondering, but do I do?
Pops: not really, but you have a half sister.
Me: how come you never told me?
Pops: I'm sorry how did you find out anyways.
Me: I gotta go.

I turned off my phone and started to think more about this.
How is she my half sister tho.

Few minutes later the doctor came in and guess what. Her husband was the first person to get out of his chair.
I walked to the doctor and she had a sad look on her face.

I was so worry, please don't tell me they lost her.
I only just found out she's my sister.
The lady started speaking but she get out of by Jaqueen.

"Is my mom ok?" She asked.
"Yes your mommy will be fine, but I need to talk to your daddy in private" she said but Jaqueen didn't let that happened.

"I'm with my dad, so you might as well talk to me in private" she said not leaving her dad's leg.

"No princess stay here with uncle Nick let me talk to the lady real quick ok?" X said.
"No" she said folding her arms.

"Here let me take you to go get ice cream" I said but she didn't budge.
"If I want ice cream my daddy will get it for me" she said and I just decided to have the lady talk to me instead.

"Why don't you just tell me in private, I'm her brother" I said and she nodded.
"Be right back" I said and he nodded.

Hey y'all, I know I messed this story up big time but ok. Enjoy sorry for mistakes. 😪💘

XXXTENTACION MAID |Jahseh D Onfroy| COMPLETED Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat