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Selena stood in front of the mirror. Her white dress was a mermaid style with sparkling crystals. Her hair was pinned in a fancy updo with her veil behind her.

"You look so beautiful baby." Her mother said while holding a small little box. Her mother opened it, "Here is your something blue." It was a diamond and sapphire bracelet. Her mother clasped it around her wrist as tears gathered in her eyes. "Why are you crying mom?" Selena asked her. "Because I'm so happy honey. I was so scared that I was a horrible mother and you were going to follow in my footsteps. But here you are, so beautiful, so smart." Her mother told her.

Selena hugged her, "You are the world's greatest mother. You are the reason I turned out so great." Her mother sniffled and stepped back, "If we keep this up my make up is going to run." She took a tissue and blew her nose. Reginald came in with a smile, "You girls ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be." Selena said confidently.

She looped her arm with her mother's, the one who would be walking her down the aisle. Her mother had balled when she asked her to give her away. She never had a dad until Reginald came into their lives. Before that though, her mother played both roles. So it was only right to have her mother walk her down the aisle.

When Manson saw Selena his heart leaped into his throat and he became a little teary. She was beautiful. This was the woman who he was gonna spend the rest of his life with. She was petite but she was a life changing. His hands were shaking by the time she got to him. He lifted her veil and he was floored by the smile she gave him.

This was really happening.

When it came time for the vows, Manson pulled a piece of paper out of his suit jacket. "Since the day we met, you've taught me things I never thought I would ever learn. I know I'm not an easy man to live with, but I vow to make it as easy as I can. I vow to always be there for you, at your highest and at your lowest just as you're there for mine. I vow to continue to make you happy until my dying breath."

Selena was teary eyed as he spoke and she didn't know if she could keep herself from crying. When it was her turn she unfolded her piece of paper. "From the moment I met you, I knew you were an adventure I wanted to enjoy. During our life long adventures I vow to be the Robin to your Batman, never leaving your side. When you're at your weakest I vow to be the strength you need to stand again, and when you're at your highest I will be there holding your hand." Their vows were simple, because they had long ago made their vows the day she signed a contract, claiming her as his.

After the ceremony it was time for the reception. During their first dance he held her close, "So Mrs. Panser." Manson began with a smile, "What would you like to do during our honeymoon?" She smiled, "As long as it involves you and no clothes, I'm up for anything." His smirk turned mischievous, "Anything?" She bit her lip and nodded. He chuckled softly, "Good thing our honeymoon is two weeks long, you're going to need one week to recover from all the wonderful things I'm going to do to your body." Selena felt her panties become wet and she wanted nothing more than to skip the rest of the party and go have some private fun with her husband.

Suddenly her train of thought was ruined by Tina coming up and hugging her. Selena turned in her arms so she could hug her back, "Where is Marcy?" Marcy was their three month old daughter who Calvin is very over protective of. "With your mother." Tina answered easily. "Mind if I steal her away?" Tina asked Manson. Manson smiled, "Go right ahead."

She took Selena's hand and pulled her to dance. "I knew it wouldn't be long before he asked you to marry him. You really have changed that man for the better Selena." Tina told her seriously. Selena glanced over to where Manson and Calvin were talking with some of their other friends. "He's changed me too." Selena said with a smile as she looked back at her friend. Manson had given her so much. An amazing family, and someone she can depend on for the rest of her life. It couldn't get better than this.

When it was time to leave Manson took her hand, "Ready Mrs. Panser?" She smiled, "Always."

Thank you guys for enjoying the ride. I hope you guys loved this book. It went different than I had expected it but I'm still happy with it.

I have been coming up with more books in my mind, so look for them in the Kat's Books and Ideas book for updates and new releases.

Also either comment or pm me anything you would like to see from me be it book ideas or whatever.

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