Chapter 18

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Manson and Selena looked over ideas to build their own house. But they were butting heads. Not because of different tastes, but because Selena is being price conscious over every detail despite everyone telling her she should enjoy the fact she doesn't have a budget.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" Manson asked with a sigh as he leaned back in the chair, arms crossed. She bit her lip and looked down, but didn't answer. "Baby." He said sternly in what Selena liked to call his Dominant voice. She let her lip go and sighed, "I'm scared Master." She whispered. "A house is a really serious thing. I'm not having second thoughts about moving in with you, but what if it doesn't work with us? What if at the end of our contract, you'll want a different submissive?" Tears were in her eyes now and it broke Manson.

He cupped her cheek, "Baby, I have never loved a submissive the way I love you. You're more than my submissive, you're my heart, my soul. You are perfect for me and no one will be able to hold a candle to you." He kissed her forehead. "You never need to worry about things like that." She had a slight pout to her lips so he kissed her.

Her pout turned to a soft smile which made him smile. "Now let me spoil you and build the house of your dreams Baby." She leaned into his touch, "Okay." She sighed. "I love the idea of ship lap and exposed beams." She loved the rustic look it gave houses. That made Manson smile, "Ship lap and exposed beams it is Baby."

They went back to discussing things they'd want while waiting for the contractor. From there they'll start to give life to the next chapter in their life.

"Oh I like that." Selena's mother said as the two of them looked at landscaping ideas. Selena didn't have a green thumb and she didn't want to hire someone to take care of it for her. She'd prefer something that is easily managed. "I like the look of it, it's pretty and colorful, but I need something that will survive, not last a week." Selena told her. Her mother rolled her eyes but didn't say anything more.

Selena looked out the window. Texas was much different. Snow was almost non-existent here. The wind was cold but the sun felt so warm. Waco looked beautiful during this time of year. Selena wondered what it would look like in the spring when flowers are in bloom and in the fall when the colors changed. She never pegged herself as a country girl, but something about it was so calming that made her fall in love instantly.

The door to the hotel room they were staying in opened and Tina and Calvin came in. Tina slumped on the couch with a sigh. They had been out house hunting, trying to find a place not to far from our place. So far they aren't having any luck. On top of that, Tina found out she was pregnant. At first Calvin was in denial since she was on birth control, but the doctor told him it was possible for a woman to get pregnant while on birth control. Now though he's actually excited to be a father, but they're both scared at the same time. And who wouldn't be? They have no where to live yet. Calvin and Manson were going to be working at Jack's Texas branch not too far from Waco so having a job wasn't something he was worried about, he just wanted them to find somewhere stable for them to live before she has the baby. The whole birth control issue made gears start to turn in Manson's head so she knew they would be having a discussion soon.

Mr. Whiskers jumped on to Selena's lap almost startling her. Jack had paid tons to convince the hotel to let her have Mr. Whiskers here. She missed him so much, but she wish Jack didn't do that. She could've found a pet hotel. She scratched his head and began to pur. She then turned her attention back to the laptop in front of her while continued to scratch his head so he wouldn't get mad and attack the defenseless laptop.

"How did it go?" Selena asked Tina. "Horrible." She muttered. "Not a single place that has the privacy we need. Living in an apartment I was constantly gaged so the neighbors wouldn't hear when Calvin pounds the crap out of me. Now we have the chance to not have neighbors and every where we looked there is just not something right about them."

Selena laughed softly and shook her head at her bluntness as she continued to scroll through until she found something simple she really liked. When she did she emailed the photo to Manson since he was with his father right now. After that she closed the laptop, wanting to take a break. Who knew building your dream house could be so exhausting.

"I want pretzels." Tina sighed then gave Calvin puppy dog eyes. He smiled and kissed her forehead, "You had doughnuts for breakfast, you need to eat something healthy." She huffed but didn't protest. She didn't want a spanking later. She did complain about Calvin holding back ever since they found out she was pregnant but he promised her he wouldn't once she was no longer pregnant and healed from the birth. That promise alone made everything okay for her.

She then looked at Selena, "Where is Manson?" Selena shrugged, "With his dad. He wouldn't tell me what they were doing though." And she didn't push it because she trusted him. Anytime when he went out for the day with his father, he always brought back something expensive, she just hopes it's not as expensive as the diamond bracelet he got her before the came to Texas. Although wearing it makes her nervous, she still does because she really did like it. Manson knew what she liked and would never get her something she would never bother looking at.

Calvin brought Tina something healthy to eat and she stuck her tongue out at him as he walked away. Milly mother laughed softly and shook her until her phone showed a text from Reginald. "Time for my date. You girls behave yourselves." She said kissing them both on the cheek before leaving. In that moment Selena felt like a child but it did make her smile.

After Tina ate she sat the plate on the table and laid down with her head in Selena's lap. "Just make yourself comfortable." Selena joked. Tina smiled, "Don't mind if I do." Calvin sat down, placing Tina's feet in his lap and she smiled. For hours they talked about guys they found hot on TV while Calvin would only occasionally roll his eyes.

When Manson came back, he looked tired and held two little bags in his hand that made Selena raise an eyebrow. He kissed her sweetly, making her smile. Tina sat up, "I think it's time for us to go back to our room." Calvin nodded with a smile as they got up to leave. Once alone, Manson sat down next to her and she crawled into his lap, straddling him.

"How was your day?" She asked him, while undoing his tie. Just the sight of him in a suit had her wet, but she much preferred him in his jeans and tight fitted t-shirts. "Long." He said with a sigh, watching her face as she watched her hands undo his tie. He loved how much attention she pays to the things she does.

"How was your day?" He asked her. "Very slow." She admitted while placing his tie on the cushion next to him before she started undoing his shirt buttons with her teeth. "Is that so?" He asked while growing rock hard in his pants. "It's very so." She said once she got to where she couldn't get to the rest of them while in his lap. Before she could do anything though he grabbed her arms and flipped her so they were laying on the couch with her under him.

He began to lightly kiss her neck, his hands making their way slowly up her blouse, feeling her smooth skin with his fingers, enjoying the goose bumps that appear. She gave a small moan while his hand grazed the skin just below her breasts, making her arch into him. He removed her blouse, revealing the sheer lace bra beneath. He then kissed her lips softly before sitting up with a smirk. She gave a small whine of protest but she was cut off when he held up one of the small bags he brought back with him.

"Open it." He told her. She sat up and took it. He watched her open the back and saw her curiosity turn into a smile when she pulled out a red and black lingerie baby doll top, but instead of the usual thong, was a pair of leather booty shorts and thigh high lace stockings. "You found a club." She said and he nodded. "I feel that you're ready to be fully submerged into the lifestyle." He said with a smile. "I already have us registered I just have to wait for the cards and passes to be delivered."

She then eyed the other bag, "And what's in the other bag?" He grabbed it and pulled out a paint brush and chocolate icing. "I'm in the mood to paint and eat something sweet." Her eyes widened at his devilish smirk and it had a pool form in her panties. Never had dessert been so much.

Sorry it's been a while my beautiful, faithful, lovely, readers. Work is hectic, I'm also dealing with some emotional issues, and Wattpad still has bugs that need to get fixed.

I love you all though and thanks for being patient with me.

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