Chapter 4

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Selena woke up feeling great. She could smell breakfast being cooked in the kitchen. She then heard, "Damn it Mr. Whiskers. Bacon theif." She giggled softly as she put on her glasses before she looked around and grabbed a button up he had laying across his dresser. It went just past her ass and she only buttoned it up part way, leaving a good amount of her chest exposed but her breasts still covered. She was definitely part of the itty bitty titty committee and she was proud of that. She left the room and saw Mr. Whiskers and Manson glaring at each other. "Good morning." She said around a yawn. He turned and nearly dropped his spatula at the sight of her. Her frizzy hair was a sexy mess from her sleeping, and her whiskey colored eyes sparkled. "You look good in my clothes." He said while pulling her towards him. He placed a kiss on her lips, but quickly moved away when the cat tried to swipe another piece of bacon. "Why'd you bring him over here?" She asked curiously. "Because I realized that since you came over here when you were done teaching you didn't feed him. So I brought him over for breakfast and he clearly is an ass." He said while putting the rest of the cooked food on a platter. She laughed, "I could've told you that. He's my spoiled handsome boy." She kissed the cat's head before pouring herself a glass of milk to go with breakfast.

Before she could sit down in her own chair, she was pulled into his lap. Instead of getting separate plates, they ate off the platter since it was just the two of them. "Do you work tonight?" She asked him. He nodded, "Yeah. Tonight we're having some country rock band come and play. Would you like to come with me?" She bit her lip, "I'm not a fan of crowds." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "You won't be in the crowd, you'll be with me." She bit her lip nervously. He nibbled on her neck, "I promise it'll be fun." She melted into my him, "Okay." He smiled victoriously as he ate a piece of bacon and she rolled her eyes.

That night she was in her bedroom getting ready to go out when her phone began to ring. It was her mom on Skype. She propped it up by the bathroom sink so she could do her hair. "Hey mom." She said as she plugged in her straightening iron. "Where are you going this evening? Is there a book signing tonight?" Her mother asked when she appeared on the screen. "No. I'm going to The Den to see the country rock band performing." "But honey, you hate crowds." She reminded Selena. Selena rolled her eyes, "I'm perfectly aware of that." She began running the straightener through her hair and she was happy that it was actually flattening it for once. "So why are you going? Hot date?" She asked as if she was skeptical. "Sort of. My boyfriend is the bouncer and he asked me to come tonight." Selena explained to her. Her mother began to laugh. She actually laughed! "You have a boyfriend? Honey have you lost yourself to one of your many romance books?"

"Baby are you ready?" Manson asked as he came into the apartment and he could hear a woman laughing and heard Selena groan. "Mother, I'm not insane." He stood in the bathroom doorway, looking her up and down. She wore dark jeans that hugged her, knee high heeled boots, and nice blue blouse. She smiled and lifted the phone and turned it towards him, "See mom." "Well hello handsome." Her mother said, making Selena turn red. "Are you sure you want to go out with her? I'm very much available." Manson chuckled, "Very tempting ma'am, but I've grown quite fond of your daughter." "Well have fun you two, and don't use protection." Then she hung up and Selena's mouth was wide open.

Manson chuckled and closed it. "Open your mouth like that again Baby and I'll put it to use." Again her face was red as she turned off her iron. She grabbed her purse and left her apartment with him. He took her to his motorcycle and she was eager to get on. She always saw motorcycles as fun and sexy but she never rode one until now.

Manson groaned softly at the feel of her behind him. She was so soft and fit perfectly on the back of his bike. She gave a squeal of delight when he took off and that made him smirk. When they got to The Den, there was already a line outside waiting for the bar to open. Many of the women gave Manson flirty looks but he ignored them and put his arm around Selena's waist as they walked to the door. Calvin opened the door for them and he smirked at Manson.

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