Chapter 12

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Selena woke up feeling sore in all the right places. Manson held her close to him, his hand stroking lazily over her thigh, indicating her was awake. She smiled softly. "Are you okay?" He asked her softly. "I didn't hurt you did I?" She shook her head, "I'm sore but I like it." He kissed her cheek, "I'm so proud of you Baby." She smiled brightly and rolled over. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He rolled so he was on his back and she covered him. He ran his fingers up and down her back soothingly.

Last night had been amazing. She knew she had a few bruises that would remind her of their night for the next couple of days. "What do you want to do today?" He asked her while continuing to stroke her back. "I wanna go sight seeing." She said while looking up at him. He nodded, "Let's go get showered and dressed."

They were both slow at getting out of bed. Selena knew last night something changed between them. They were closer now than they were and she loved it. They already loved each other but last night was indescribable. Every time she submits to him she shows she trusts him, but last night she let him be as rough as he needed for his own therapy. It helped her see why he was into BDSM. We all have our own way of expressing our pain and depression. Selena prefers to be hugged and given sweets, he is a Dominant. Together though, they were each other's therapy.

His eyes traveled over her naked body, eyes scanning over her bruises. He didn't mean to leave them, but the smile and blush on her face told him she loves seeing them and loved receiving them. He watched her put on her tights and a cream colored long sleeve dress that had a brown belt around her waist. The buckle on the belt was gold, matching her collar.  She was breath taking.

Selena bit her lip when she saw how deep some of her nail marks were on his back. You'd think he got attacked by a cat. "I'm sorry." She told him, not feeling as guilty as she thought she'd feel. "About what?" He asked her. "Your back." She said. He went back into the bathroom and turned his back to the mirror, he looked over his shoulder and smiled. His Baby had marked her territory and to him that was one of the sexiest thing in the world. He kissed her, "It just shows you claim me and that I'm good at what I do." "But what if they scar?" She asked him. "Even better." She smiled happily before she finished getting ready.

Milly and Reginald had gone out to go shopping so it was just Selena and Manson on their outing and they both preferred it that way. They went around New York hand in hand, enjoying each other's presence. She had brought the polaroid he had given her and they took lots of pictures, tucking them safely in an envelope in her purse. When snow began to fall heavy they went back to the penthouse.

In the lobby his father was without the woman. When he saw them enter he immediately approached them. They tensed but let him approach. "Hello Manson." His father said nervously. "Father." Manson said with a nod. Selena didn't think the man deserved that title, but she held her tongue. "How have you been?" He asked him. Selena's jaw clenched, but again she stayed silent. "I'm great." Manson told him. "No thanks to you and mother." The man scratched the back of his head nervously.

"I know. I'm sorry." The man said. "No you're not." Selena scoffed without thinking. The man's eyes went to her. "If you were sorry you'd have tried to reach out to him instead of prancing around with women much younger than you." The man looked guilty, "You're right." Manson nodded, "It wasn't great seeing you again, so let's not do it again, okay?" He then lead Selena to the elevator.

Once the door was shut he pushed her against the wall, his lips on hers. "I love you." He said. She wrapped her arms around him, "I love you too." They changed into their pajamas and curled up on the couch to watch movies. Eventually she fell asleep. He covered her with a blanket. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed something white being slid under the door. He went and picked it up. It was an envelope with his name scrawled on the front of it.

He tore it open and pulled out the letter.

Dear Manson,
I know over the years I have been one of the worse fathers on the planet. I have thought about you since I left. I never contacted you because I was a coward. You've become a great man and I can tell the woman by your side makes you happy and I'm glad you have found that. I do regret marrying your mother, but I never regretted you. I regret the actions involving you and I know saying sorry doesn't cut it. Throughout the years I have expanded my company and grew an empire that you will one day inherit. I know you might not want it, but it's yours to do with as you please. Sell it, give it away, I don't care, by then I'll be too old to do anything. If your mother tries to put some claim on it because of you, I have already ensured she will never be able to get any piece or percentage. I was a shit father and I know I can't make up for it, but let me try to start making things right by making sure you're set. Inside is a bank account I set up a long time ago in your name. I never told your mother about it and I had no way of getting it to you. Inside is the card that allows access to the account with a paper with all of the information you'll need to gain access. I know I don't have the right to ask this, but I would be honored if you let me into your life. I want to start being the father you deserve. I know it's many years too late but I want to try. If you ever need me, even if it's to use me, call me anytime.

Manson didn't know what to say or what to feel. How is a person supposed to feel in a situation like this? He felt lost and confused, two emotions he wasn't comfortable with feeling. He saw the card and the paper. Did he accept it? He sighed and put it into his pocket. He was on vacation with his Baby, he needed to stay focused on her. He'll deal with his drama later when he has the space from him to actually think about all of this. Right now it felt like an overload and it would only take one more thing for him to snap. The only reason he hasn't is because of the beautiful woman who helps him stay in control. Her trust, love, and respect is all he needs, all he craves. He doesn't need anyone or anything else. Doesn't want them. Then why does this even bother you, his mind asked him. He gave a scoff of annoyance at himself. He wasn't some little boy who wanted his father. He was a man with a woman who depends on him. She was his first above all else, his father was nothing except a new issue life has thrown his way.

He went over to the couch where she lay sleeping. He gently removed her glasses before placing a kiss on to her forehead. It sent a wave of calm through him just being near her, a walking reminder of who he was. He's a dominant, a survivor, an Alpha wolf who didn't need a pack. He just needed his Alpha Female. He lightly brushed some strands of hair from her face, a small smile coming to his lips. His father wasn't an issue that couldn't be ignored, but with her by his side to keep him grounded, he knew he'll get through this.

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