Chapter 6

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Selena was in the gymnastics room watching Manson lift weights through the window. His skin was slick with sweat, his ginger hair plastered to his forehead. She bit her lip and turned back to the room she was in. They've been going to the gym for a week together and her body had snapped into old ways instantly. Of course she hadn't shown Manson just how flexible she still was. She wanted to save that for later, since she knew he would take her till she couldn't walk and they both have work. Good thing winter break was finally here.

After leaving the gym and taking a quick shower they went to the airport to pick up her mother and Reginald. She smiled when she saw her mother and Reginald. Her mother pulled her in for a tight hug. Her new perfume filling Selena's senses. "It's so good to see you honey." Her mother said while planting a kiss on Selena's cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark on it. Her mother picked up a strand of Selena's frizzy hair, "I found some stuff in Paris that will help you keep this tamable." Then her mother turned her attention to Manson. "You're even more handsome in person."

After introductions they all left the airport. "Tonight honey, we're going out to eat and I want you both to look good. I picked you up this beautiful dress that I want you to wear." Her mother said as they stopped at the hotel so they could check in. Selena's mother dragged her into the bedroom to show her the dress while Manson stayed in the ok living area of the hotel room with Reginald.

"My Milly is very fond of Selena. Don't hurt her or you will bring a force down on you that you will not be able to handle and I'm too old to stop her. Not that I would want to." Reginald said to Manson. Manson studied the old man and had a new respect for him. "I spoil Milly, and I try to spoil Selena but if you haven't noticed she tries to give and not get. Those girls had a hard life before me and they deserve to be spoiled." Reginald told him. "Hard how?" Manson asked slightly concerned. "It's not my place, but what is the one person you never hear from either of them?" Reginald asked him. Her father, Manson realized, but he didn't say anything since the women came back in, Selena's face bright red.

"We will meet you two at Lacriossa at seven." Her mother told them. "Yes mom." Selena said before they left. Manson was curious to see what her mother had given her but she kept the bag closed. They went to their own apartments to go and get ready.

Selena opened the bag and huffed a sigh at what her mother had given her. Not only did she give her a dress, but also new shoes, jewelry, lingerie, perfume, and make-up. Her mother was excited that Selena was finally in a relationship, hoping it would last for a while.

This was the first time Selena ever spent three hours getting ready. The stuff her mother got for her hair really did an amazing job at taming her hair while making it soft and not greasy. Her hair was still curly but it was more of a professional curl instead of a frizzy mess. The dress was beautiful. It was a copper red mix that complimented her whiskey eyes. It was strapless with part of the skirt stopping mid thigh while the back of it stopped at her ankles. The heels were slightly higher than what she was used to but they were sexy. She kept her makeup light and her make up was simple gold studs and a gold triple chained chocker.

She had just put on her new perfume when she heard Manson come into the apartment. She left her room and his jaw dropped. Her face became red at his reaction. He looked really good in his black button up, dark jeans, and a pair of black boots. Manson smirked at the chocker around her neck.

"I had been wondering what to do for your collar." He said as he ran his finger along the chain, an idea of what it should be coming to mind instantly. Of course it would be a simple one that would simply look like a fashion piece so at work she'll be able to still wear it without having people look at it. He never spent too much money on a collar, since he wasn't one of those rich Doms who could give their submissives everything, but Selena was special. He couldn't figure out why, but she was.

They got to the restaurant and a host lead them to where Reginald and Milly sat. Her mother smiled, "You look beautiful honey. I would compliment you Manson but you always look good." Manson chuckled as he pulled out Selena's chair. He then sat down next to her.

"So how did you two meet?" Milly asked curiously. "We live across the hall from each other." Selena told her. "I um ran into him, while not paying attention." Her mother gushed, "How cute. It's cliche, but it's a classic cliche that is so beautiful." "So Manson what do you do for a living?" Reginald asked him curiously. "I'm a bouncer at The Den." Manson told him. "The Den?" Her mother asked. "It's a bar that tends to have a lot of bands play there." Selena explained. "That sounds like fun." Her mother said.

Throughout the dinner everyone had a pleasant conversation. "So tomorrow you and I are going Christmas decoration shopping." Her mother declared to her. "I still have the decorations you flooded into my apartment last year." Selena said. "I told you not to keep them." Her mother said while rolling her eyes. "What was I going to do with them?" Selena asked. "Donate them." Milly said as if it was a no brainer. Selena rolled her eyes as she shook her head. Only her mother.

"What about you Manson?" Milly asked him. "What are your plans for the holidays?" "Well my family and I drifted apart as I grew up so I tend to just hang around my apartment watching cartoons and eating store bought cookies." He shared with them. The women just shook their heads. "Store bought? I'm making cookies and you're helping me." Selena declared. Manson smirked, "I'll be looking forward to it."

After dessert, he helped her put on her jacket before they left. "I'll be over first thing tomorrow morning." Her mother told her as they hugged. Selena nodded, "I'll be ready." And she knew she would be because it was better than working out in the gym.

They got ready for bed and laid down. "Can I ask you a question?" He asked her softly. "Question for a question?" She suggested. He nodded, "Fair enough. You go first." "Why did your family drift?" She asked him. "Well growing up it was just my parents and I. When I graduated high school, they got a divorce. My mother met a man with kids and married him while my father is living the bachelor life in New York. Neither have acknowledged my existence in over ten years. The first two I tried staying in contact but it's as if I'm a reminder of eighteen years no where neither of them were happy so I gave up." He explained to her. "My step father sends me a birthday card though so at least he knows I exist." He kissed her head, "How come I've never heard about your dad?" She knew the question was coming and had prepared her answer.

"I don't have one. My mother and I don't know what he looks like or what his name is. She was twenty one, working at a strip club and she was raped. She ended up pregnant with me and although living was nearly impossible for herself alone she decided to keep me. Growing up we struggled. Mom worked three jobs, and always finding time to help me with school. She met Reginald when I turned nineteen. He took one look at me and told me to take my butt to college and he paid for everything. Although I joke and say her relationship is weird because of their huge age difference. He makes her happy and she makes him happy, and thats what matters. Growing up my mother encouraged me to live my life, especially in college, hence all the parties and drunken experiences. But although I had those times, I still graduated in the top five percent of my class all because I wanted to make my mom proud." She told him. Manson knew simply looking at Milly, you could tell she was proud of Selena. Milly clearly wanted more for her daughter, but Selena wanted to earn what she gets to prove that she is a capable woman. "She's proud of you Baby, as am I." He said before kissing her head again. She looked up at him, "And we will never ignore you Master." He placed a soft kiss on her lips with a small smile before they both fell asleep.

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