Chapter 1

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Selena sighed as she carried her folder of exams that needed to be graded up to her apartment. She had stayed at the college longer than she had wanted too, but she loved making sure her kids could pass and make something of themselves. She could hear the cheap bottle of wine in her fridge beckoning her as she dug her keys out of her purse while she walked. Suddenly she ran into a hard chest, not watching where she was going. Papers flew every where. "Crap I'm so sorry." She said her face red as she looked up to the man she ran into.

He had ginger hair and soft green eyes, but he was made of hard muscle. My nose, having confirmed that when I ran into him. He was wearing a black shirt, tucked into dark jeans, and motorcycle boots. He eyed her. She was beautiful he thought. She was hiding her small body behind a turtle neck, and her frizzy brown hair was in a pony tail. Her whiskey colored eyes were behind round Harry Potter style glasses. Her skirt was daring though. It went mid thigh, showing off her beautiful legs. She wore brown ballet flats. "Its okay." Manson said as he began to help her gather her papers. He noticed they were test papers. The stamp of the nearby university on the folder she was stuffing the papers into.

She pushed her glasses up her nose, "Thank you. Again, I'm sorry for running into you." He handed her the papers, "I'm Manson Panser." "Selena Hart." She introduced nervously. "How long have you lived here?" He asked curiously, not remembering her ever being around before. "Three years, and you?" She asked. How could she miss a man so sexy living across the hall, she thought. "Two years." Was his answer. "We probably have never seen each other before hand since I live the night life and spend the day sleeping."

She nodded, "Probably. Usually by now I'm in my pajamas with a glass of wine cuddling with my cat." She was rambling and needed to stop before she embarrassed herself. He gave her a small smirk. She was cute. By her fidgeting, he knew she was attracted to him. Only problem was, she wasn't a part of his world. She probably preferred her sex soft and intimate. He didn't mind intimacy, as long as it was rough he was in control. Vanilla wasn't his style.

"I-I have to go and grade these exams. They're due in a couple of days." She stuttered. "It was nice to meet you Manson." She then went to her apartment. He groaned softly as he hardened. Never had a woman made him this way by simply saying his name. Fuck, he thought. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone. Work, right, that's a thing, he reminded himself.

Selena rested her back against the door once it was shut. Her face was on fire and her panties were soaked. Manson, the definition of sex and dominance. She bit her lip and put her papers on her coffee table. Mr. Whiskers sat on the arm of her sofa. He gave her an annoyed look for his dinner being late. She quickly fed him before going to her room to change.

She took off her soaked panties. How could she be so wet for a man she had just met? She had read about it in her books but those were fiction. There was no way a guy could actually do that to a woman when they first meet. Can they? She shook her head and went to the kitchen once she was changed. She grabbed a glass of wine and went to the couch. She turned on the TV to fill the room with noise as she began looking over the exams.

She couldn't focus though. She kept imagining him bending her over her desk, spanking her with her ruler. She moved her thighs together to create some friction. Dang it, she thought. She needed release. She hasn't had sex since her college days, and her body was beginning to remind her of that.

She shook her head, clearing her mind of her thoughts. She saw she had half the stack finished. That was enough for one night, she thought as she turned off the TV to go to bed.

Manson walked into the bar and his friend, Calvin, smirked. "Couldn't get your dick out of a submissive?" Manson rolled his eyes, "No." Manson then told him about his neighbor. "She sounds like a freak." Calvin declared. Manson gave him a look, "How so?" "She's on her way to becoming a crazy cat lady from the sound of it. Many of them are cat ladies because they couldn't find a man who reached their level of freak." He explained. "Try to pursue her. She might surprise you. Tina shocked the hell out of me." He reminded his friend.

Calvin and Tina have been married for three years and the man maybe her dominant, but she had him wrapped around her finger. They both thought she was vanilla when they met her at the grocery store she bagged groceries at. Turns out, she was one hell of a freak, Calvin's words. "There are few women that ever catch your eyes bro, chase her."

Manson nodded, "I will." He wouldn't push her to have sex until she knew and understood what having sex with him meant. "If you ladies are done, we've got a full house tonight so be on your guard." Their boss, Michael, said from his office. Tonight they were having a band play so who knows how crazy the bar would get. Manson prayed he didn't get bruised, he'd hate for Selena to get the wrong impression of him before she knows him. He liked being a bouncer here at The Den. Great bands always came to play and he made great friends. He knew if anything happened, his back would always be covered.

He took his spot by the door, to not only do his job, but let a certain brunette run through his mind all night long.

Attraction of the OppositeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora