Chapter 14

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The next morning Manson woke up feeling groggy. He saw the room and everything came rushing back. The fire. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair. He saw a bunch of bags in their room and slipped out of bed. He found the note, telling him there was a week worth of clothes for both of them as well as toiletries.

He looked through and was happy to see the clothes were close to their preferred tastes but not exactly. He dressed in a pair of dark slacks, and a black button up with his sleeves rolled up. He then went to the phone and pulled out the list of phone numbers he kept inside of his wallet for emergencies. He dialed her mother first.

"Hello?" She said, sounding as if she had been crying. "It's Manson." He told her. "Oh my God! Please tell me you both are alright." She rushed out. "Reggie! Manson is on the phone!" "We're both fine. We got out in time and drove to a hotel. Selena is still asleep, exhausted after the whole thing." He explained to her. She began to cry tears of relief, "We were so worried. What all do you guys need? I know you guys need money where do I send it." "Actually we're fine on that part." He then explained the bank account his father gave him when they ran into him in New York. She knew a little bit about their relationship and how they ran into each other but he made sure to keep details minimal.

After they talked some more and she was reassured they were okay she hung up declaring she can now get some sleep. He then called Calvin. "Yeah?" Calvin said when he answered. "Hey man it's Manson, how are you and Tina?" Manson asked him. "Fucking tired and sore man. We got the hell out of there and slept in the damn car. No fucking money, a pissed off cat, and a crying wife, how the fuck do you think I'm doing?" Calvin sighed. "How are you?"

"Almost the same." Manson sighed then told him everything since he didn't have the chance too while in New York. "Where are you guys at now?" Manson asked him. "Fuck if I know. I just drove." Calvin told him. Manson gave him the address to the hotel, "I'll have a room set up for you guys to check in and I have to figure out what to do about the cat. Thanks for saving him man. Selena was worried shitless about him." "I figured. We'll head your way, and thank you for doing this man." Calvin said with sigh. "Don't mention it. Just get here safely." He then hung up and quickly left Selena a note before slipping on his shoes and going to the receptionist desk. It was the hotel manager this morning.

Manson set up the room for Calvin and Tina. "They'll probably look like hell since we all escaped the fire when they first get in. Just point them in the direction they need to go." He instructed the manager who nodded. "Where is the best pet hotel? They have my cat with them." The manager gave him a list of good ones that specializes in cats. Selena won't like it but at least he was safe.

He went back up to the room and saw she was awake, with her knees pulled up to her chest. "Hey Baby, I've got good news." He told her while sitting on the bed. "I got a hold of Calvin and he has Mr. Whiskers with him. He's pissed off, but he's okay." She threw herself at him and hugged him as she cried. He held her and kissed her cheek. He waited her her to calm down before moving her to look at him.

"I called your mother and told her we were okay as well. Today you and I are going to go out and get new phones and go look at the pet hotels the manager gave me since we can't have him in the hotel." He said showing her the list. She nodded and sniffled while rubbing her eyes.

He helped her get dressed and they left. Once they got their new phones they sent quick texts to everyone. Manson even sent one to his father. It was a start, he thought. What shocked him was seeing a text from his step father. It didn't surprise him that his mother didn't care. They were walking down a crowded street when they stopped at a coffee shop.

"After doing an all night investigation the fire was started by a gas station exploding during a police shootout. Three subjects had robbed the gas station, and police tried to stop them from getting away with the cash. The bullets between the police and the suspects had hit a bystander who was putting gas into their tank. One of the bullets hit the nozzle, igniting the gas pouring out of it. The safety mechanisms failed, resulting in the explosion. Unfortunately by the time the fire department there, the flames had spread rapidly costing thousands of people their homes and jobs. The University took damage as well. While right the school is trying to get the funding for the repairs. The repairs are estimated to take almost three years, if not longer, since so much time and effort has to go to repairing the city as well. Fires are still being put out at this point in time. Stay tuned to stay updated." A news reporter on the TV in the corner reported. Its funny how one incident can affect so many.

Selena's eyes filled with tears once more as she watched. "Our home." She said in a broken whisper. He pulled her close. "I know Baby, I know." They got their coffees before continuing their search for the right hotel for Mr. Whiskers. By the time they found one Calvin was close. They met them at the pet hotel and Selena hugged Mr. Whiskers who rubbed his face against her's affectionately as he purred loudly.

They check him in while Calvin and Tina went on ahead to go to their own hotel room to get some proper rest. "We'll be back." She assured Mr. Whiskers before they left to go get their friends some new clothes.

Manson's phone began to ring. It was his father. "Hey dad." Manson said when he answered. "How are you both?" His father asked, genuine concern in his voice. Manson told him about how they were and how he was now helping his friends out. "I'm going to have them not charge your card for you four for your rooms or for the cat. You use that money to get you new homes. Or if you want to live in the hotel thats fine too. I want you guys to worry as little as possible, including your friends. I should be there in a couple of hours." His dad said. "Wait what?" Manson said. "You really think I'm going to take your word for it? No I'm coming to see for myself." His father said. "See you soon." Then he hung up.

"What?" Selena asked. "My father is on his way." Manson told her, strange feelings swarming inside him. Her phone pinged and she sighed, "So is my mother and Reginald." It was going to be a parent worry fest. Just what they needed.

Just a quick note for you guys. On my profile, you'll find a book called Kat's Books and Ideas. I put information for all of my books in there and that is where I will post when I've written more books for you people to enjoy. I will also post any important Author's notes there as well regarding this book or any other books.

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