Chapter 29- Grief

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No answer.

Well, that was strange! Mainly because the woman practically had her phone attached to her at all times. And (when I call), she picks up in the first ring. I let it go to voicemail, I had other people to call and check on.

I was about to hit call on Meg's number, but just then the doctor came back in. But instead of the nurse by his side, it was another doctor. Not wearing a white coat, but obviously there for a reason. A specialist? Maybe.


"Please. Please call me CeCe."

"Of course. CeCe, there are some...... discrepancies between what you thought happened and what did."

Oh my gosh! Did I black out after the proposal and dream it all??? As scary as that would be, it'd be a thousand times better than if it actually happened!

"Www-what d-do you m-mean?"

"CeCe, you were not shot."

"What?! But I felt it, I'm sure I did! And I'm here, days after it happened and just woke up!"

This finally broke through Eli's sleep and he shot right up, as if to protect me from the dig, bad, doctors.

"Hey! Why didn't you wake me?"

"I tried, quite a bit actually. Seems like you needed some catch up."

"Okay, I'm so sorry! What were we discussing?"

The doctors gave him a leery look, maybe assessing if he should be there. I really didn't want him to go, so I assumed them we were engaged and that I needed him.

"Alright, so, getting back to what I was saying, you're not the one that was shot."

That had me bolting out of the bed and riping cords and monitors from my body. All three of the men in the room did their best to subdue me, without hurting me. I eventually caved.

"Who did he hit? No! Meg was right next to me!!! Is she ok?!"

Eli say on the edge of the bed so he could look me in the eyes. I knew it was bad news, and he didn't want to tell me, but he would never hold something like this back either.

"CeCe, baby, it wasn't Megan."

My body collapsed into him. I must have been holding my breath, because it took a few strong puffs in and out to get me breathing again. I looked up at him with an expectant facial expression, begging him to tell me.

"When he pointed the gun at me, you stepped in front, which made him waver a bit. Then... it was the fastest I've ever seen anyone move! Your... your Mom jumped in front of him. He got her in the heart, it was quick."

My whole body was shaking. My head felt like a bowling ball, heavy, rolling, and slammed into giant neverending circumstances beyond reason or control.

All I could do was lay down. I couldn't hear anymore. I couldn't look at them. My body had lost all fight.

The only sound was the long beeping of the heart monitor I had pulled off of myself. The doctor carefully walked to it and shut it off. The symbolism was not lost on me.

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