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Brochure for C.S. Camp

Thank you for your interest in
Church Sex Camp.

It is our goal to
make sure all Christians
(regardless of denomination)
have an understanding
of sex and intimacy,
based on Godly principles.

We are not affiliated with
a specific denomination!
All are welcome here!
This includes all races,
sexual orientations,
and beliefs.

C.S. Camp is a place
to learn about sex, both
before and after marriage.
We also encourage our
guests to learn about the
Bible and its teachings.

This season is our 5 year anniversary!

We've added classes and invited
more guests than ever before.

Christine (CeCe) Stratton's Testimony

I've been going to church my whole life, but (as with most people) I knew I had to decide if I truly believed. It wasn't a stroke of lightning moment, but rather a feeling of overwhelming peace that followed personal reflection.

I have always loved History, it was my favorite subject in school. But it was the history of Christianity and religion (both good and bad) that set me on this path. That and my marriage.

When I was only 19, I married my high school sweetheart. Unlike most girls my age, I was still a virgin. I had made a pledge to abstain from sex before marriage, it wasn't always easy, but I managed it.

My new husband had been sexually active, but that didn't bother me. I actually felt like it could be a good thing, as he would have the experience I was lacking. So we were very much looking forward to our wedding night, the consecration of our vows.

Unfortunately, it did not turn out the way we hoped. It was painful, beyond just the typical virgin pain. I had been told to expect that, but this was far worse. So, instead of a beautiful wedding night, I cried myself to sleep.

This made our honeymoon very taxing. I was in constant pain, and he was sexually frustrated. Neither of us knew what was wrong, or how the fix it. We were only intimate a few times before we left, it never got any better. I immediately set up an appointment with my doctor when we got back..

It turned out I had significant scarring, and it left us baffled. After a few more tests, I was told to let it heal on its own. So, no sex until it was better. Then the tests came back and I had contracted HPV. It was a type that is curable, but it involved surgery and physical therapy (which was a trial in itself).

Once my doctor had given the okay to have sex with my husband, it still hurt, extremely. According to the doctor, there was nothing specific to point to why, but the pain took a toll on our marriage.

I fell into a deep depression. I was convinced that there was something wrong with me. That I was broken.

After only being together for three years, we divorced. It was a mutual decision, and we parted friends.

Within months I felt a calling to reach out to others in the same or similar positions, within the church. I was surprised to find quite a few people that needed just that. So myself and my best friend, Megan, started a support group for sexual issues among Christians.

The group grew quickly! We ended up needing to break into multiple sessions. I was asked questions that I simply did not know the answer to. My lack of experience was hindering my ability to help others. So I studied. A lot. I went to seminars, I read a ton of books, I even watched videos (that I would frankly like to forget). But I would do anything to help others from being in the same situation I had been in.

Church Sex CampOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant