Chapter 10- Surprise

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I jumped! We had just broken through the tree line, and there they were, everyone! Well almost everyone, but an almost ridiculous amount of people

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I jumped! We had just broken through the tree line, and there they were, everyone! Well almost everyone, but an almost ridiculous amount of people. They had all yelled happy birthday! Then they parted and I saw the beach, it was beautiful! A band was playing on a stage, tables were set up, there was (what looked like) a bar, and even a dance floor. I was blown away.

I instantly started crying, but this time from joy. I'd never had a surprise party, never thought I would want one, but the outpouring of love was overwhelming.

I walked towards the group of people and started hugging everyone. I knew I'd have to stop or it would take way too long, but I was just so happy. When I saw Eli, I froze. Did he do this? I knew the answer right away, of course he did. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. He buried his face in my neck and whispered.

"Happy Birthday, gorgeous."

All I could do was nod, words were beyond me at that point. He let me down and walked me to a table.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"Eli, did you bring alcohol?"

"No. I knew better. All they're serving is virgin cocktails, and stuff like that. I knew better than to go against the rules."

He winked at me and I had to pinch myself. How was this happening? He's supposed to hate me! Haven't I been mean enough? It's impossible now! He's gone and done the sweetest, most generous thing that anyone has ever done for me. How could I keep pushing him away after this?!

"I would love a virgin strawberry daq, please."

"Coming right up, my dear."

As he went to the bar, more people came up to me. It was surreal. I had always hated my birthday. Well, up until my 19th I'd loved it. But, again, the only person that knew that was Megan. She obviously had a hand in this, I wasn't sure if I should be upset or enthusiastically glad.

She chose that moment to sit next to me.

"Are you mad? I know you don't seem upset, but I also know how you feel about today. When Eli suggested this, I almost told him, but I figured that was up to you. Plus, look at this! He really is a keeper."

"Meg, stop. I'm not mad, not even close. I've never been so surprised in my life, and it's amazing. You're amazing."

We pulled each other into a bear hug. It was so good to actually relax. This past week had been so stressful. In large part because I was trying my best the push Eli out of my head and my life. I knew that would be impossible now.

"Here you go, honey."

Eli sat on the other side of me and handed me my drink. It was delicious! The band finished their song and Donna, of all people, went up to the mic. Eli smiled and winked again.

"Good evening everyone! Dinner is set up on the table at the far end, over there. Be sure to let the birthday girl go first though."

After her announcement, the lead singer stepped back up.

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