Chapter 31- Mute

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I'm gonna be a Dad!

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I'm gonna be a Dad!

Holy fucking shit!

I was on my way back to the camp grounds, to clean myself up and give Meg the good news. She was staying with us in the upstairs guest room, until she left for Virginia next week. They were actually supposed to be there already, but no one was going to get on her case for missing the prep week. Her team were on it and had been checking in on us here all week.

I'm going to be a Dad!!!

I wish I could say that my little mental outbursts were proof that the information had already sunk in, but no. I was still reeling. Talk about timing.

We had discussed the possibility. Hell, we weren't even trying to prevent a pregnancy. But, I had to say, it took me by complete surprise. More so because of the attack. CeCe's mother being killed wasn't even within the realm of possibilites. It should never have needed to be!

I knew CeCe was feeling intense emotions. To grieve and celebrate in tandem, well that isn't easy for anyone.

I was already feeling guilty, now that emotion had ramped up even more.

CeCe was alive. Our child was alive. But... Yvonne was not. I hate that I'm happy to have my baby and their mother with me. But I hated where that way of thinking took me. That I'm glad she died. No, I know I'm not! I was just so thankful to her for the sacrifice she made. I knew I would do the same for my child, and they weren't even here yet.

Once I pulled into the camp's private entrance, I parked in front on the house. I knew I technically had a million things to do, seeing as how our next full booking show up tomorrow. But I felt good about leaving Luke in charge on this one. Plus, Pete was there, shadowing him this week.

Luke was being a phenomenal help! He secured a new lifegaurd, facilitated all the cabin walkthroughs, signed off on supply orders, and made sure the main meeting hall got totally scrubbed down (after the police were done, of course).

I contemplated taking a few minutes to check in with them, if I can move quickly enough.

Upon walking up the steps, I heard insanely loud music. Broadway, I believe. And a short, blond, and terrible singer named Megan, dancing around the living room.

I reached for the remote for the sound system and turned it off.

"Hey!!!!!! How dare you disrespect the Hamilton?! Not cool, E! Not. Cool."

All I could do was shake my head and laugh.

"So.... why you back so early? I thought you said you were going to sit with her till dinner. Is she still... uummm... you know, saying it."

"She is and isn't."

The dumbfounded look on her face had me stifling another laugh.

"It's all she can voice right now, but she was answering questions, yes or no questions that is. But there was one thing she had to write down for me. It was something she and the doctor discussed after we left. I asked for her permission to tell you too, but she wanted me to use the same note. So it's still technically from her, I guess."

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