Chapter 9- Sunday

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She hadn't made my life easy for several days, as both a woman and a camp admin

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She hadn't made my life easy for several days, as both a woman and a camp admin. I've had my fair share of trouble with both, but never as much as with her. It's like she'd made it her personal mission to push me away. Far, far away. It's pissing me off!

She even threatened me that if I ever entered her cabin uninvited again, they would never return to our 'facilities', as she put it. Frankly, for me that would be ideal! My crew is overworked for the shit we've put up with! And there's still two weeks left! So, as the grounds manager, I was doing the happy dance (on the inside of course). But as a man... I wanted as much time with her as possible. I was dreading her leaving in two weeks. It wasn't enough time!

I had a feeling she was pushing me away for that very reason though, so I made plans to find out.

It was Sunday, their 'day of rest'. I'm familiar with the concept, just not enthusiastic about it. Last Sunday they had several church services throughout the day in the main building. I did respect the hell out of the fact that they didn't discriminate between religions. Multiple faiths were represented, and even if there were a few people that didn't fall under a service provided, they opened up a meeting room for them to use.

My parents would shit a brick to hear all that. Well, the very concept of the camp would literally make my mother faint. Maybe I should invite them over next weekend... well, maybe not. Might be a bit too soon to tell them I'm falling for the founder of a religious sex camp. I'm pretty sure they would disown me..... nah, still not a good idea.

There are no classes on Sundays. Just Church, Bible studies, and stuff like that. So my staff was working extra hard to keep the place running smoothly. Thus my unenthusiastic view of the day. Only one more to go! The last day they're here is a Saturday, so I'm all for getting that little break.

We have another booking starting a week after they leave. I look forward to a lazy week, but I dread the next group. A high school not far from here, booked the grounds for their whole senior class. Apparently they plan to make it an annual thing, based on how it goes. I may even ask to borrow some of the sex camps rules to keep the kids in line!

Megan and I made up from our misunderstanding the day before and she was now back on board with getting CeCe to have a little fun. It turned out she kept her birthday a secret, but I got Megan to spill and it couldn't have been more perfect, it was today! I found out yesterday and got to work planning it out. I even hired a local Christian band to play, and brought in extra hands to set up. We were having the party on the beach and we'd set up a tiki bar, only serving 'mocktails' and non-alcoholic beer. Which I personally hated, but apparently the no alcohol is a big rule.

I kinda get it, it would defeat the purpose of all their hard work if they wound up drunk and in bed with a stranger. So my staff, additions included, knew to keep that shit away.

I hoped it'd work! There were moments when I looked at her and she'd look away, she'd been staring at me. I knew she had feelings for me! But she was so stuck in the past that she couldn't imagine a happy future. Shit, even if it wasn't with me! I just wanted to break through the wall of hers so she could finally be happy! I was completely lost. I wanted to be with her, but I knew once the camp was over, she'd move on to the next and I'd stay here. So, why was I working so hard? It was truly beyond me.

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