He was patiently waiting for her to finish her task. Perhaps no one had noticed the change in his facial expression except the grandfather.

"I told you, this old man is in good health. He just likes to have the feeling of being taken care of... here, his granddaughter is feeding him and ready to be his own nurse...what's more to be demanded?" Majed said in one of his joking moods.

He laughed and Fajr smiled, but Khalid and Badriya found no humor in his joke. They kept a straight face as Badriya suggested; "I think it is better to hire a nurse to come to house ... at least a couple of times a week."

Fajr snapped her head and stared at her aunt for a minute. she knew this suggestion was made just to keep her away from her grandfather. Because shortly before Khalid's arrival, the grandfather had informed Badriya that Fajr was capable of measuring his BP at home. 

Fajr simply felt frustrated, and, in that she didn't know exactly what she needed to say.

She dipped the spoon into the remaining liquid, paused briefly before she let the contents slide into the grandfather's mouth.

Then she looked at Khalid narrowly, like she was waiting for him to say something. Much to her surprise, she heard him agree; "I agree with you." Her mouth hung open slightly and her surprise quickly shifted to discomfort.

Although Majed initiated a small conversation with his mother, attempting to convince her that if Fajr was available, why they would need to hire a nurse. Khalid and Fajr kept silent until she stood up with the empty bowl and the grandfather paid her a great compliment on the food. Just then she heard Khalid's whisper from behind; "if you're finished, let's go."

She looked at him with a questioning look, but he ignored that and excused himself instead. he left the room, waiting for her outside.

She was supposed to spend the whole day here just like the day before. How could he just come like that and change plans paying no heed to her. She let out a sigh, then gave a farewell kiss on the grandfather's forehead, and took her leave following Khalid.


She was sitting in the passenger seat, watching the scenery go by. She waited for Khalid to say something but he didn't.

His hands tensed around the wheel. He didn't even put anything on, although it was his habit to listen while driving.

They drove in silence for several minutes until she couldn't hold it in anymore, and wasn't going to be satisfied if not letting it all out.

She looked at him and asked; "What happened?"

From the tone of her voice, he could realize she was angry and saving it up.

He gazed at her and repeated her question as if confused; "what happened??"

"I was supposed to stay with grandpa today..." she said, trying to keep her emotions under control.

"Aunt Um Faiz and Majed are staying with him." There was indifference in his tone, indifference in his expressions. She took a deep breath, let it out, then looked at him again.

"Ok. can I know the reason you agreed with aunt Badrriya while you know that was an opportunity for me to get closer to grandpa?"

"Because she is right." Said Khalid, in a voice less hard and in a tone less indifferent than before.

He slowed the car, then left the highway and returned to it in the direction of their home.

She stifled her frustration, and said in a tone of obvious disappointment; "Yesterday you were thinking otherwise."

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