Friends in need

193 14 9

You settled in my heart,

How would you leave my mind!

Following Reyhan's advice, Fajr made her way into the hospital in the early morning. She asked a nurse for an assistant to the gynaecologist's office. The nurse was kind enough to direct her since the hospital was a big one. She got into the elevator, pressing the third floor as it took her up.

When she got to her designated floor, she met another nurse who asked her to wait in the sitting area while she confirmed her appointment.

"Dr. Margaret is ready to see you." The nurse directed Fajr into a cozy office. In front of her stood a middle-aged woman with short-cropped blond hair in a white doctor's coat and a reading glass at the top of her nose.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Margaret." She pulled her hand forward for a handshake, and Fajr gladly accepted it. Dr. Margaret waved Fajr to a seat before taking hers opposite from Fajr.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked, and Fajr's gaze shifted from her own linked hands to Margaret's face.

"I have been feeling quite nauseated recently. I have been constantly vomiting every morning and my body feels weak. So I want to take a pregnancy test and get confirmation from a doctor."

"What you stated are obvious signs of pregnancy, but to be sure, let's run a urinary test to see if that isn't the issue."

She gave Fajr a cup, directing her to the bathroom. After finishing, Fajr headed back to the doctor's office and was told to wait in the lobby till getting the test results. Less than half-an-hour later, the nurse came and asked Fajr to follow her again into Dr. Margaret's office.

The door opened and Dr. Margaret stepped in with a file in her hands. She walked in the opposite direction from Fajr, taking a seat. She placed the file on the table, adjusting her glasses before picking up the file from the table. She glanced through it, then put it back down for the second time.

"Congratulations! From the result it shows that you are five weeks pregnant."

Fajr gasped, it meant she was close to two months pregnant.

"Thank you, doctor." She said this breathlessly.

"Would you like to go for an ultrasound to see how the baby is doing or you perhaps prefer to do it with your husband beside you."

Fajr swallowed hard; "No, not right now. Thank you, doctor."

"It's my job." Margaret smiled. "I have given the nurse the required vitamin you need, so take it from her on the way out."

Fajr stood up, shaking each other's hands one last time before she left the doctor's office. She walked to where the nurse was, took the pills, and left the hospital.

She sat on a bench outside the hospital and closed her eyes. She couldn't image a life blooming inside her. She placed her hand on her abdomen and recalled what Khalid had said once, expressing his sincere desire;

"I want to start a family with you, Fajr... I want to have a child..."

Other memories flooded back, vivid and glaring.

Khalid stood at a little distance, watching her. She was playing peekaboo game with his four-month old nephew, who was squealing delightedly. She hid her face with her both hands, and showed it after moments cheering; "Peekaboo! I see you."

Khalid's mouth automatically formed a smile. He stepped forward and settled himself on the sofa next to her. 

Fajr threw a glance at him and held the baby close in her lap; "see how cute it is." Her gaze shifted from Khalid to the baby.

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