The wedding

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We cannot start over, but we can begin now, and make a new ending!

Seeing him today at the courthouse didn't make her feel any good, instead she got more anxious especially after seeing the frown Khalid was wearing during the whole process of signing their marriage contract in the courthouse. She didn't know what was wrong with him, two days ago he was just fine when they went to get her wedding dress. Even on the way home, he stopped at Baskin Robbins, despite of Ruqaya's protest not to buy ice cream for her little son Azooz, but he insisted and went on ordering caramel ice cream for all of them. But today, he wasn't as relaxed as that.

They arrived at the courthouse at 8 in the morning; the building was solely for marriages and divorces. Hassan, Muhsen, Ali, Khalid and his friend, Ahmed, went to wait outside the Sheikh's room (the judge), and Fajr went to sit in the female waiting area as the men were to handle everything there.

In less than an hour, they got into the judge's room and she was the only woman there. The judge, his assistant, and two witnesses who were not other than Ali and Ahmed, plus Hassan, her father and Khalid all were there. She felt somewhat awkward, walked silently and sat down on the chair her father offered to her, in front of the judge. Seeing her visible face to all the present men Khalid felt uneasy, he was unpleased, and a frown crossed his face as he looked away to conceal the singularly cold that sprang to his eyes. He wanted everything to be done as soon as possible, so that she would disappear from the sight of all those men or at least he would just leave. His expression made it clear for Fajr that he wasn't happy and she assumed this was because getting married to her was not his choice in the first place!

The judge shuffled the papers around and then asked Fajr in Arabic whether she had any conditions to put in the contract. She shook her head saying no. Then he read out something in Arabic and stated the extra conditions. Khalid said he agreed then everyone signed the paper. She got up from her chair and walked up to the judge, her father standing to her right and Khalid on the left. She signed, the ring was shining on her finger, her hand was trembling, and that didn't go unnoticed. As soon as she took her hand off the papers she raised her eyes to meet with his, he glanced at her and away just as fast.

After that, all men agreed to meet in Hassan's house at dinner's time where the feast would be held. While Fajr and her father headed back to the hotel upon her request. She had to prepare herself for the Hinna ceremony which would start in the evening.

Everyone congratulated Khalid then he immediately excused himself to go to his work, Ahmed accompanied him.

In the car, Khalid was driving silently and still frowning at his own troubled thoughts under the observation of Ahmed's eyes from under his glasses. He finally broke the silence; "Hey what's your problem?"

"What problem?" Khalid uttered, keeping his eyes on the busy road.

"you left as if you were trying to get away, and look at your face! For Allah's sake, who would believe this face belongs to a man who signed his marriage contract some minutes ago?"

Khalid ignored him and slowed the car for a red light, it was a good chance for Ahmed to keep the conversation going.

"What annoyed you? You were ok before they arrived!"

Without looking in his friend's direction, he murmured, "I'm fine."

"oh you are not... those who know you well enough would immediately realize how your face color changed, you made it look as if you were forced into this marriage."

The light turned green and Khalid shot out into the far right lane before someone could cut him off.

"where do you want me to drop you?" he queried.

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