A wife, not a foreigner

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The dining room was set with a long wooden table adorned with a white tablecloth. Soft candlelight flickered, casting a warm glow throughout the room. Khalid stood near the entrance of the dining room, observing how Fajr was adjusting the chairs and the table settings, ensuring everything was perfect. She was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her father.

Khalid let out an admiring whistle; "we are really having a special dinner tonight!"

Fajr looked at him then pointed to the arranged table; "what do you think?"

"I think everything is awesome!"

The doorbell rang, and Fajr's face lighted up with excitement.

"I'll get it." Khalid made it to the door.

Khalid went to open the door. Muhsen was dressed casually for the occasion. They exchanged warm smiles and greetings.
From behind them, appeared Fajr. She hugged her father warmly; "it's wonderful to have you here. Welcome!"

"It's great to be here!" Muhsen replied with a smile. He put his hand on her head and messed up her hair gently. She missed his gentle touches.

Muhsen handed her a chocolate box and she smiled. It was her favorite.

After a while, Khalid led Muhsen into the dining room where the tantalizing aroma of the prepared meal filled the air. The table was set with fine china, polished silverware, and crystal glasses.

"Please, make yourself comfortable." offered Khalid.

Muhsen took a seat at the table, amazed at the scene; "you shouldn't have bothered yourselves with arranging all this."

Fajr moved around the table, pouring orange juice for all of them.

They soon engaged in conversation, the first course was served. The plates were beautifully presented, showcasing a colorful salad with fresh greens and ripe tomatoes.

"I hope you enjoy the salad, Dad. It's a recipe I learned from Khalid."

"I can already tell it's going to be delicious."
They continued to enjoy their meal, savoring each bite and exchanging stories and laughter. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, creating a sense of comfort and connection.

After dinner, they were all sitting in the living room. Fajr was observing her father, noticing the weariness in his voice and the way he looked. Concern flickered across her face. Her intuition told her that something may be going on.

"Dad, I've noticed that you haven't been yourself lately. Is there something going on with your health?"

Muhsen hesitated for a moment and  Khalid sensed it'd be better if he gave them some space to talk. He deeply wished that Muhsen would reveal the truth to Fajr. He excused himself; "I will go into the kitchen and make some tea? I think we all need it after the heavy meal."

Muhsen looked into his daughter's eyes who was still waiting for an answer. He smiled; "nothing to worry about. I am just experiencing some chest pain and shortness of breath."

Her concern deepened, and she reached out to hold his hand; "Dad, we need to get you checked out by a doctor. It's important to take care of your health."

"You're right, sweetheart. But I've put it off till I come back from my trip. Actually, I am planning to spend some days in Makkah and Al-Madinah when I return I'll see a doctor, I promise."

In the kitchen, Khalid put the kettle on and started preparing the tea. As the water heated up, he arranged a tray with teacups. He was about to pour the tea into the cups when Fajr came in.

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