The End

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Six months later...

The lights of the massive baby store cast a glow on Khalid and Fajr who were examining some baby products. A shopping list guided their choices. Fajr cradled the list in one hand and a highlighter in the other while Khalid pushed the shopping cart behind her.

He stopped, watching her with amusement. Her brow furrowed in concentration. Her nimble fingers traced down the list clutched in her right hand as she took the lid off a yellow highlighter with her mouth, coloring over the items that they had already placed in the cart.

"Bottles, diapers, wipes, and a swaddle blanket..." She looked at Khalid with a big grin and said; "Now the clothes!"

He nodded in affirmation as he pushed the cart forward. They reached the rows of tiny clothes aisle and Fajr stopped, a wave of emotion washing over her.

"This is so overwhelming!" she whispered.

Her eyes flitting across the rows of colored clothes. A giggle erupted from her, drawing Khalid's attention. She pointed to a display of tiny shoes, a pair of sneakers in a vibrant blue catching her eyes.

"Look at these, Khalid," she exclaimed, her voice filled with childish delight. "They're so tiny!"

Khalid's smile softened. He reached out and picked up the shoes, carefully inspecting the delicate stitching and soft leather. "They are pretty cool." he agreed.

With a playful smile on her lips, Fajr traced a finger along a rack of tiny clothes, each piece softer and more delightful than the last. Tiny dinosaurs cavorted on one onesie, while fluffy sheep dozed on another. Fajr couldn't resist picking up a miniature sailor suit, complete with a ridiculously small captain's hat.

Khalid chuckled from behind; "You know, the baby probably won't wear half of this stuff," he teased gently.

Fajr shot him a playful glare. "Nonsense! Besides, you can't blame me for wanting to dress the baby in all these adorable things!"

He shook his head, his smile widening. "Ok, I'm going to the car seat section then."


When Fajr finished, her back ached slightly, she lowered herself onto a nearby chair, carefully cradling her belly.

Across the aisle, Khalid had been comparing different stroller models, he watched Fajr with a growing sense of concern. Seeing Fajr struggle snapped him back to the here and now. He hurried over, the playful glint in his eyes replaced by a gentle worry. "Honey," he said softly, reaching out a hand. "Let's take a break, okay?"

Fajr stopped, her hand instinctively going to her lower back, seeking some relief from the constant ache. A weary smile flickered on her lips; "I've almost finished!"

But Khalid knew better, his gaze meeting hers. "We can finish this another day," he insisted, his voice firm but kind. "Let's get you some water and a place to sit. You need a rest."

Reaching out, she took his hand. Khalid's touch was gentle as he helped her rise, his hand sliding protectively around her back.

She saw a box of a puzzle game for toddlers that Khalid had placed in the cart then chuckled; "That's a game for 3-year old kids, it's too early for this."

Khalid stubbornly insisted; "I like it. It looks enjoyable."

"No problem. One thing for the father won't break the budget." She went on laughing.

They made their way towards the checkout, their shopping cart was full, and their hearts even fuller. Leaving the store, Khalid's arms laden with bags. Fajr leaned against the car door as Khalid opened the back hatch and loaded the bags inside.

The difference she made!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon