The engagement

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يمكن للمرأة أن تقول في تنهيدة أكثر مما يمكن أن يقوله الرجل في خطبة

A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.

She was lying on the bed, her hands at the back of her head, her eyes glued to the ceiling, she was still thinking whether she took the right decision or not. Although she had waited for any hint after praying Istikhara, but she didn't figure it out, all what she could get was the peaceful feeling taking over her when she thought about the matter. The details of the dream she saw last night, kept roaming in her mind. Her mother appeared in her dream... wearing a white dress, she hugged her happily and congratulated her. It was this dream that made her decide.

Early that morning, while they were having their breakfast meal in the hotel, she gathered all the courage she had, cleared her throat to get her father's full attention and informed him of her decision.

"I'm agreed."

Just like that, with this one word she tied her destiny with Khalid's. A broad smile appeared in her father's pale face who had been waiting this moment for 2 days. He raised his head to meet her gaze and she nervously looked away, not knowing what to do, trying to form a neutral expression that failed in hiding her hesitation and anxiety. She picked the fork up and started to shove the food around her plate, trying to look okay. But Muhsen knew her better than that. Putting the cup of tea down, he stood up and moved closing the distance between them before kneeling in front of her chair, getting eye level with her. He held her both hands and pulled her towards him to embrace her with only two words, loaded with unexpressed emotions; "come here."

Her father's choked tone made tears spring to her eyes. He put his arms around her and she let herself fall into his protection and warmth, tears slowly found their way down her soft cheeks. She didn't know why she was crying, all she knew was that she needed this hug, this warmth, this feeling of being surrounded by her father's arms around her back holding her tightly.


Alone in the hotel, she was standing by the glass window, looking down at the busy city street, which were just seven floors below her. Whenever she stood there, her eyes would automatically move to the ocean, observing its waves; wave after wave kept breaking on the shore. She wrapped her hands around herself, letting out a sigh as a thought of her soon-to-be husband crossed her mind. it was hard not to think about him when he was the most involved person in this whole matter. She recalled their first meeting when he mocked at her, his commentaries one after another; once he called her the mall he shouted at her face accusing her... his smirks and looks... all that kept roaming through her mind. What would it be like to live with him?! Would she be capable of playing the wife role with someone does not like her?

A knock at the door of the hotel room jerked her back to the present. She looked at the door doubtfully, remembering the call she got from her father a few minutes ago, as he told her he had something to do and would likely come a little later than usual.

She assumed it was the room service, so she approached the door asking; who's there?

"it's me." She heard Huda's voice. Her face broke into a smile. In a soft quick move, she grabbed her hijab and wrapped it tightly around her head. Turning the key in the lock she opened the door. maybe she really needed a company.

It was not just Huda, but also Fatima and Fahd were there too. It was a nice surprise for her. The women hugged her warmly, while Fahd greeted her with a gesture of his hand. Excitedly, she invited them in with a motion of her hand; "come in."

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