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Luke's POV

1 week later

It's been a week. A week where I have been in pain. I lost the girl that I love. I let her leave me again. I'm worried about her. I've called her every morning and every night. She declines all of them. I text her just in case. She leaves all of them on read. She shut off her location.. so I can't find her anywhere. Sometimes, I would get out of the house and go for walks and think I see her.. but it's not her. I miss her. I love her.

"You ready baby?" The blonde girl standing half naked in front of me smirked down at me. I gave her a half smile and she climbed on top of me. She started grinding on me and kissing on my neck. She was moaning in my ear and getting all excited.

But, I wasn't. I was a stone under her. I didn't feel anything. I was trying to get over y/n but this definitely isn't working.

"Stop!" I yelled. She got up from my lap and looked down at me. "What's wrong hottie? Got too excited?" She winked. Ew. "No, you need to go, I can't do this." I said standing up. "Awe, we were just getting started, why stop now?" She twirled her hair with her finger. I cringed. "Yeah.. No it wasn't." I said deadpanned. I grabbed her coat and threw it at her. "C'mon." I lead her to the front door. I opened it and she walked through it. "Call me." She winked again. "Haha no!" I slammed the door.

I put my back against the door and sighed. This hurts. Everything hurts. I walked over to my bed. I saw that there was a phone on the nightstand. It was that one blonde chick's. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it. I walked over to the window that gave a view of the entrance and saw her leaving the hotel doors. I opened the window.

"Hey!" I screamed. She looked up and smiled. "Want me back?" She yelled winking again. "Nope!" I threw her phone out the window. I closed it and shut the curtains. I heard a scream and laughed hopping back into my bed. Y/n would've died of laughter is she saw that.



One Month Later

This past month has been great! Being all alone and crying myself to sleep.. yeah, it's the dream everyone is dying to have you know? I've been depressed. I'm in pain because bus benches are not comfortable.

I know! You would think!

I miss Luke like crazy.. Honestly I just want to be laying in his arms. He probably already moved on without me. 

"Y/n?" A voice came from behind me. I jumped and turned around quickly. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled. I smiled. "Oh my god! Jacob!" I exclaimed. I threw my arms around him. He was taken back from my sudden embrace but hugged back anyways. "Wow.. didn't expect that." He laughed. "You have no idea how bad I needed this hug.." I sighed. He let go of me. "What do you mean? What happened?" We sat down on a bench. "A lot.." I looked down at my lap. "Tell me." He said.

I told him everything that happened in the past month and he listened patiently. "Y/n.. That must be rough.. but I'm confused on one part." He said. "Which part?" I asked. "Why did you break up with Luke? I mean obviously you love him and that night you ran to him when we were in the coffee shop.. I've never seen two people with so much love before. You couldn't even last day without him. He must be crumbling without you." He explained. "I had to.. I was broken and I couldn't be the girlfriend he deserves." I shrugged. "Bitch! Shut the fuck up!" He slapped his leg. I jumped from the sudden outburst. "Excuse me?!" I exclaimed. "You are the love of his life! Even a goldfish could see that! Don't go talking about 'Oh! I'm not good enough' that's bullshit! Go back to him y/n. You need the guy!" Jacob lectured.

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