
22 1 0

⚠Little Spicy⚠

"Um.." I bit my lip nervously. I mean, we've only "done it" once. It was amazing but I was exhausted.

"Is that a yes?" He asked looking down then looking back up with a huge grin that melted my heart. I nodded giving into his beautiful smile.

He got into the shower with me and slowly pulled me closer to him. He held me under the relaxing, hot water. It was honestly very refreshing. He started to kiss my neck slowly. I smiled at the slight touch of his lips. My hand made its way up his neck to his soaked hair. He smiled at me as his lips slowly made their way towards mine. They soon collided with each other as my hands played around in his wet hair. His hands traveled from my cheeks down my sides. Even though I was standing under warm water, I got tons of goosebumps. Luke's touch was soft and incredible. I craved it. Which made me crave him. His hands got to my sides and continued to graze down to my hips. I was eager for him to go lower but he stopped.

I kissed him rougher than we have been. My hands moving from his hair down to his big shoulders. We made out in the shower for the next ten minutes, getting more and more heated.

Finally, I pull away from him and shut the water off. I grabbed a towel and threw it at Luke. Then, I grabbed myself one and wrap it around my wet body. Luke got out first and quickly changed into joggers and kept his chest bare. Then, I got out and got dressed in just one of Luke's t-shirts that hung down to my thigh. I quickly braided my hair and walked out. I joined Luke on the bed putting my head on his chest. He leaned down and softly kissed my neck again. His hot, minty breath wafting against my skin making me shiver. "Cold?" He asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes.

I sat up and climbed on top of Luke. He was surprised for a short second and then quickly got comfortable. My hands resting on his shoulder blades, I lean down and kiss his lips rough. His hands are places on my hips to keep me in place. My chest against his, I started to slowly grind on him just to tease him. He moaned into my mouth before moving under me a little. I laughed and got off of him.

He gave me a cold stare and I laughed at him. "Karma is a bitch." I smile. "Yeah whatever!" He pulled my by my waist back to his side and we both lied down. His warm arms wrapped around my body as our bodies were so close that they felt glued together. I felt the heat radiating off of his body warming me up by the second. His soft breathing is the only thing breaking the ear-splitting silence. I looked up at his face. He was staring at the ceiling taking in this moment. I admired his features. His sharp jawline that could cut my finger no problem. His collarbone defined his chest and neck. I gazed back up to catch his eyes gazing back at mine.

"Hi." I whispered. He smiled in response. I gazed into his green eyes as I got lost.

What was this feeling? Deep down was a feeling trying to take over. Something that made my skin crawl. What is my body telling me? This feels weird. Too weird.

I bit my lip as I thought. This feeling spreaded throughout my gut. My hand grazed his chest as I continued to stare into his eyes. He looked down at my hand and back up into my eyes. A sparkle flashed across his pupils.

My hand has moved to his back. Allowing Luke to pull me closer to his warm skin. My heart and gut jumped. A distant feeling of excitement started to peak to the surface. Luke stared me down as his hand slid down my thigh. Goosebumps covered my body as he went lower.

Being too distracted, I noticed my hands slightly tugging on his hair. Luke's eyes were still on me as his lips slightly parted. Letting my eagerness take over, I smashed my lips into his. He was taken back by my sudden actions but soon caught on.

I can never get too sick of this boy. Some of the words he says or the the things he does, still makes my heart jump inside my chest. His lips on mine were the cause of fireworks exploding everywhere around me. Luke is the one thing I always want.

His lips slightly moved from mine and shifted to my jawline. He knew where all of my spots were.

All of them.

I shifted under him as his soft lips were travelling from my jaw to my neck. My hands knotted in his disheveled hair as I try to make my goosebumps go away.

It was getting really heated until a knock on the door made us jump.

"Holy fuck." Luke muttered. I waited for my heart to calm before it went into arrest. Luke slowly got up from the bed and made his way to the door. With one swift turn the door opened. I waited on the bed, under the covers still wishing Luke's touch was still on me.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Luke's voice boomed in surprise. My eyebrows scrunched as I wondered who he was talking to.

"Um, I came with news.." the voice sounded sad. In curiosity, I jumped from the bed and walked to the door.

Jake was standing there with his hands molded together and him looking down at them.

"Jake?" I asked realizing it was actually him. "Hey y/n.." He slightly whispered. "How did you find us here?" Luke butt in. "Snap Map." Jake rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course." I chuckled lightly. "Yeah, so um, I have some news.. and it's not good." He looked down once again. "Well what is it?" I asked getting a little nervous.

Suddenly Shawn walked into my view from behind Jake.

"Shawn? What's going on?" I was completely shocked.

"Y/n/n.. mom's in the hospital.." Shawn's eyes filled with water. My jaw was dropped as my hands made my way to my face. I tried to process what was just said to me.

I couldn't believe it.. My only parents are just leaving me slowly.

I didn't move or say anything. I was unable to.

"If you don't mind, what happened?" Luke wrapped his arms around me. "Uh, I actually don't know but there was a note." Shawn pulled out a crumpled piece of paper that was colored yellow. He handed it to Luke.

Luke uncrumpled it and read it out loud:

Maybe I wasn't clear last time.. but hopefully this will open your stupid ass minds. I don't mess around. Do what I want or people you love won't be here for long. Starting with her.

Xoxo Unknown ;)

My body trembled as I heard the last words the note read.

Do what I want or people you love won't be here for long...

What if he took Luke from me? Or Shawn? Or Maddie?!

I cried harder as I realized how much danger I'm putting everyone I love in. I can't do that to these people. Luke was whispering comforting things in my ear as he held my shaky body. I cried my soul out.. I can't believe any of this.

Why? Just why?


Word Count: 1291 Words

A/n: Hope you enjoyed, yet another shitty chapter :))

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