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Maddie.C You're my world💋🌎 tagged: @y.u.n
543,245 likes; 547 comments

Y.u.n Awe, love you Maddog🤪💖
Danny.f.2018 You forgot someone!
Maddie.C well stop hurting my best friend and maybe you wouldn't be forgotten.
User1 OoF wrecked!


Y/n's POV

I was hurt. How could Danny.. out of all people.. Danny think that I would do something like that?! And he believed Luke?! When is he ever honest! I was mad.

I got up from my bed and ran out the door. I ran to the park that was down the street.

Oh look who's here.... "Hey y/n!" Luke.

"Don't talk to me asshole." I walked past him to the benches. I sat down. "Ooh moody today aren't we? Let me guess.. that time of the month?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I felt the anger rising inside of me. "Just shut up." I rolled me eyes. "Why are you being such a meanie?!" He whined. "What are you five?!" I asked clearly irritated. "Yes in fact I am." He said. "So why are you being so moody? Did your little boyfriend break up with you? Must've been nice he's a little bitch anyways." Luke said piercing his beautiful green eyes into mine. I got up and walked up to him. I lifted my hand and slapped him in the face. "Don't bring him into this and shut the fuck up." I gritted to my teeth walking away.

Someone grabbed my wrist and yanked me back. Luke pinned me against the wall using his hands to keep me still. "What was that?" He whispered. I closed me eyes and swallowed. "I said to shut the fuck up." I said. "You should watch who you are talking to." I laughed. "You won't do anything to me. I know you won't. You know you won't." I said.

I looked deep into his eyes. They were beautiful. I he looked back into my eyes and we stood there looking at each other. I liked it. Do I like this bastard? No of course not. Ugh! It started to get awkward.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." I growled pushing his arm off me. "Mmm.. feisty." He smirked. "It's been fun. Let's do it again sometime." He winked and walked off. I just stood there in a shock.

"Oh! And tell Dan-Dan I said hi." He yelled.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my house.

~Time Skip~

Luke's POV

Y/n is.... different. She's not like other girls who just falls in love with me cause of how I look, not saying she likes me. But I think I like her. I mean what's not to like? Her beautiful y/h/c (hair color) and her y/e/c (eye color) sparkling when she gets excited or when she's just happy in general.

Wait! No I'm not in love with her! Am I? Ugh.

I shook it off and finally reached my house.

"Where the hell were you?!" My dad walked up to me. He looked angry.

"Sorry I just took a walk. No big deal." I said walking towards the stairs.

But before I made it to the stairs, I felt me body get slammed against the wall behind me. "Agh!" I yelped.

My dad pinned me on the wall. Alcohol was on his breath. "You better watch that attitude of yours boy." He growled. "Where do you think I get from?" I snapped back.

His fist hit my face. He picked me up and threw me onto the ground. I didn't want to cry in front of him. I lied on the floor feeling weak. "You are going to regret being alive." He mumbled walking to out of the house.

I heard the car engine start and he sped away. Just like that he was gone. I slowly got up. I touched my cheek where he hit me and it was bleeding because of the rings he wore on his knuckles. I don't want to be here. I ran out of the house and went back to the park. No one should be there right now anyways. Maybe I can actually cry for once.

~Time Skip~

Back to Y/n's POV

I got home and reached to the back of my pocket to grab my phone. It wasn't there.
Did I really leave it at the park?! Ugh you've got to be kidding me!!

I face palmed myself and jogged back to the park. I walked over to the bench I was sitting at earlier and luckily it was still there. "Oh thank god!" I whisper shouted.

I started walking back but started hearing someone sniffling. I looked all around until I saw a figure on top of the playground structure.

I slowly walked up the steps and towards them. "Hey you okay up there?" I asked cautiously. "Jeez.. I didn't see you." His voice cracked. His voice was so familiar. "Luke? Is that you?" I asked. "Maybe?" He said wiping the rest of his tears. I sighed and climbed up to wear he was sitting. He looked away from me. "You know it's okay to cry." I said. "Just please leave me alone." He said sniffling some more. "Please Luke talk to me." I hesitantly put my hand on his shoulder. He looked where my hand was at then into my eyes. All of a sudden he broke down. "I just-t can't h-h-handle all this pain when I'm supposed to stay the cool one at school." He started balling.

Woah.. this side of the dangerous Luke Wilder was way different. But I liked it.

"Well you don't have to be the guy that you've been trying to keep up with." I said. He nodded slightly still crying. "I just don't know what to do." He said. "About what?" "About my dad! He beats me and I don't cry in front of him cause I'm afraid what he would do and I have all these feelings and burdens built up inside me and I don't know what to do about any of it! I can't keep acting like I'm okay when I'm afraid. Every time the bell rings I shake with fear to walk into my house thinking my dad will change." He said jumping down to the ground. I got up and jumped down as well. "Hey. You can always talk to me. We probably haven't gotten off the right foot but just know you aren't alone. You can always hangout with my friends and I." I said sincerely. "We both know your friends aren't my best fans." He said sarcastically. "I mean yeah.. but I'm sure if you apologize to them or something they will get on your side." I suggested. "I don't that's so unlike me." He scrunched his face and shrugged a little. I chuckled, "Oh Luke, people can change you know." I said. "Yeah. Thanks for talking to me. It felt nice to finally get all of that off my chest." He said. "No problem." I smiled and punched him in the shoulder. I checked the time. "Oh shit! I'm going to get in trouble if I'm not home in 8 minutes! I yelled jumping down. I started running. "You risked getting in trouble for me?" He yelled and laughed. "What can I say? You must be too special!" I said laughing and running off. Luke sat there.

Am I special enough for you?


Word Count: 1249 Words

(A/n: Thank you for reading this crappy chapter!)

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