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The next morning, 3:47am

Luke's POV

I was back there again. In the darkness. Just like when I was in my coma. I hate this place. Am I in a coma again? Why would I be?

My dad walked out of the pitch dark. "No." I quivered. "What's wrong son? Why so scared?" He smiled wide. "Get away from me you monster!" I screamed through trembling tears. "We were just about to have some fun." He laughed as he pulled a knife out from behind him. "No....." I tried to run away but no matter how fast I tried to go I wouldn't move. I was stuck. He came at me. "Bye son." His voice echoed.


I woke up sweating. I looked around and I was in y/n's room with her sleeping in my arms. I sighed in relief. I lied back down and held onto y/n tight. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I felt like if I fell asleep, he would come back.

But that's insane! My father is in jail.

I shook my head and got up slowly not waking y/n up. I walked downstairs and out the back door. I sat at one of the picnic tables outside and took a deep breath. I had my phone with me and scrolled through Instagram. I scrolled and scrolled until I got a phone call. It was Danny. Why is he calling me? Out of all people?

The phone call:

Bold: Danny
Italics: Luke



"You need to leave y/n."

"Why the hell would I do that?!"

"Because she doesn't deserve a low-life like you."

"Oh, but she deserves you? I don't see a difference."

"Fuck you! Leave her."

"No I love her."

"I don't care. If you don't do what I ask, she will get hurt."

"Don't you dare come near her! She doesn't deserve it."

"Well, break her heart and I won't."

"Well then what's the point?"

"You will hurt and y/n will hate you and come crawling back."

"You are disgusting!"


"I don't know how she ever loved you!"

"So, we do we have a deal?"

"No you sicko!"

Call Ended

What the hell?! He better not come near her.

I looked at the time and it read 4:57 am. Ugh. I walked back inside and upstairs. I crawled back into bed and wrapped y/n in my arms. She stirred and moved around. She was facing me now. Her eyes slowly opened. I smiled at her. "Hey." She croaked. "Hey princess." I smiled even more. "You okay?" She asked. "Why would you ask that?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I heard you leave for a little bit." She replied. "Oh I just needed some water and then I lost track of time while looking through Instagram." I lied. She can't know about that phone call. I need to keep her safe. "I do that all the time!" She laughed. I admired her. "Go back to sleep." I said playing with her hair. "I'm not tired anymore." She said. "Well we can watch a movie." I suggested. "Or we could prank Maddie." She smirked. "How?" I said excited by the idea. "Well we would need some whipped cream and toothpaste." She snickered. She got up and I followed.

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